Why are morning carbs and protein critical?
Guys Dan, TDS, is a competitive bodybuilder & I guess he's sharing what works or has worked for him.
Lets not turn this into a shit fight. Not everyone follows IF, or Max Brenners suggestions. Bb'ers in particular stick to a very stringent set of diet principals.
Lets try to respect everyones opinions & the information being shared, rather than it degenerating into a vagina bumping/ dick measuring competition.
/ta brahhhhh's
Not having any thing in the morning will cause muscle degradation which is the number 1 thing we dont want otherwise we are wasting our time busting ass lifting iron
Guys Dan, TDS, is a competitive bodybuilder & I guess he's sharing what works or has worked for him.
Lets not turn this into a shit fight. Not everyone follows IF, or Max Brenners suggestions. Bb'ers in particular stick to a very stringent set of diet principals.
Lets try to respect everyones opinions & the information being shared, rather than it degenerating into a vagina bumping/ dick measuring competition.
/ta brahhhhh's
Full respect to anyone that competes... God knows this forum needs some real bbers...
Exactly this, but broscience is broscience.
Definitely dont disagree with Max. The trouble with it all is everyone is so different. Like he talks about eating potato and not worrying about the GI issue, white potatoes and sweet potato bloats me so i can only consume brown rice and oats and greens for carbs. We just need to take bits from all information available and see what works, getting ready for a comp is one of the best ways to do this. Learn so much about how your body reacts and that only small changes in nutrition can make a big difference.