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My workout program



HI i train 7 days a week as i am on holidays and i am bored and all i have to do is go to the gym just wondering what you think of this?

monday chest and tris
tuesday back and bis
wed Shoulders then i do legs after cos i cant stand training them
thursday chest
friday BI and TRI
saturday back
sunday shoulders

i if u can tell there is 3 days rest for each body part
train 6-10 reps as heavy as i can and go for jogs in the arvo to cut up sawell
i am on nos fusion and tri matrix as my pre workout and growth matrix for post workout
what do you recommend?
Gday and welcome to the forum cam. Tell us a bit about yourself, age height weight training experience 1rms etc.

Quite the full on training you have set yourself up for, what exercises do you train on each of your splits?

Have you ever thought about doing a full body routine 3 days a week compromising of the 5 main barbell compound exercises?
adrian i find it is a waste of time when i could be training other body parts thats why i add them at the end of my workout

Gday and welcome to the forum cam. Tell us a bit about yourself, age height weight training experience 1rms etc.

Quite the full on training you have set yourself up for, what exercises do you train on each of your splits?

Have you ever thought about doing a full body routine 3 days a week compromising of the 5 main barbell compound exercises?

hey gary yer i am 17 5.9 85 kilos and ive been training for 2 years
nar dude i would traind full body routines if i was busy but as i have nothing to do i am just going every day ive recently had 2 months of but and started about 2 weeks ago my
for splits chest on monday i do close grip flat bench
close grip incline
and then flat dumbells
and pec dec
for tris i only do skull crushers and super set it with close grip then dips

and for back and bies on tuesday
bent over row
t bar row
lat pull down
and 1 arm rows
and finish it of drop setting on preacher curl
i cant believe i just read what i read......are you in a wheel chair or something?? way too many top heavy dudes running around for my liking :P
i am on nos fusion and tri matrix as my pre workout and growth matrix for post workout
what do you recommend?

I recommend to get off said products asap

They basically hook you in with powerful caffeine shots, NO in my opinion is a scam. $100 for a container of useless shit and a powerful caffeine shot is a good scam and I wish I'd thought of it 1st
Ive been there and tried them all, sure they give you a good mental boost but save some money and get some caffeine pills if you have to.

I recommend to get off said products asap

They basically hook you in with powerful caffeine shots, NO in my opinion is a scam. $100 for a container of useless shit and a powerful caffeine shot is a good scam and I wish I'd thought of it 1st
Ive been there and tried them all, sure they give you a good mental boost but save some money and get some caffeine pills if you have to.

I see mate you see i train early and need energy burst i try to get most of my energy naturaly from foods but i found the pre workouts do the trick for me
I see mate you see i train early and need energy burst i try to get most of my energy naturaly from foods but i found the pre workouts do the trick for me

Well if they do the job and you are happy then I suppose keep buying them, just try going without one day and take a few caffeine pills. I reckon you'll be suprised.

Well if they do the job and you are happy then I suppose keep buying them, just try going without one day and take a few caffeine pills. I reckon you'll be suprised.

yer bro ive never tried them befor haha what are they like man

cheers cam
wow... are you legit?

You find training the biggest muscles in your body a waste of time?

not even bothering, please learn something about building muscle before posting again. Try reading peoples journals for a start...

wow... are you legit?

You find training the biggest muscles in your body a waste of time?

not even bothering, please learn something about building muscle before posting again. Try reading peoples journals for a start...

dude my legs r like tree trunks theres not much point for me when i could be arms ect
legs are important and need to be given the same attention as the rest of your body. thats all there is to it. if you dont train legs then there is no point training anything else. its like training to play a sport but not training all aspects of the game. its pointless.what are your goals??
Do a full-body workouts three times a week, consisting of nothing but compound exercises. You need to achieve 3+ reps of,

squat, 150% bodyweight
deadlift, 175%
bench press, 100%
bent-over row, 100%
overhead press, 75%

when you can do that, then splits will be useful. "My legs are like tree trunks," excellent, then the 150% bodyweight squat and 175% bodyweight deadlift should be easy as. Post vids, we all like to see success.

If you're still energetic on your off days, go running, swimming, cycling, have sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend, whatever.

Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegies, nuts and beans, and you'll find you don't lack energy.

Read through the forum.
You guys are doing an enviable job of trying to convince an everyday commercial gym squat rack curler to change his ways.

An absolute and utter waste of time.

All this thread is good for is poking fun at him without him realizing

Save your advice for someone that WANTS to learn and improve