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My new routine

So in laymans terms, strength is definition and size is well, mass?

Like shrek said definition is about diet. Not doing hundreds of isolation exercises.

Coz i always just thought low reps, high weight was for mass gaining, and lower weight higher reps was for definition.
OK well can someone please explain it then? Id really like to understand all this stuff properly, and i dont like just reading hundreds of articles on the internet coz u dont know what is true and what is not, and what can be trusted and what cant.

Id also really like to keep defined while still getting bigger in certain areas (such as arms, chest, legs etc).

Just give it a shot for a 6 weeks, dont miss a session, eat well, rest well, put in plenty of effort. You will feel better than you ever have.

Do a few sets with an empty bar to warm up for each exercise.

Start on squats, add say a 5kg plate to each end and do 2x10, if you do it easily, take them off and add 2 10kg plates and do the 3rd set. If you do that easily, start with a 10 and a 5 on each end next session. You should be aiming to struggle a little towards the end of each set, this is where the effort comes in. If you complete 2 sets of 10 and the third set you only manage to get 6 reps in, thats ok, just make sure you do 7 reps next session, when you get to 3x10 thats when you can put more weight on the bar. This applies to every exercise!

Its important to keep adding either more weight, more reps, or more sets every exercise, every session

The first time you do this is just to get a feel of what weights to use, it will happen, you can be sure of that.

As a guess, give these a shot for your working sets. Remember to include the weight of the bar.

Squat - 40-50kg
Bench- 25-35kg
Bent row - 40kg
Military press - 20kg
Deadlift - 60-70kg
BB curl - 15-20kg

You havent improved for 2 years, it doesnt matter what order you put your isolation exercises in, you need to try something different and get stuck into the compound exercises, and eat more!
You wont get huge overnight, but if you do this for 6 weeks and you will notice a difference
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If you can do it 3/8 in under 6 months at a respectable bodyweight your doing very well.
I went 15 reps with 140kg on squats 2 weeks ago (vid in log), but had to stop because I was to puffed haha.

Thanks for the advice. And dont worry i fully plan to try out this new program, id just like to find out a bit more about it. When i commit myself to something i really commit, i will barely ever miss a session and will try my best to eat well, though i dont know much about the diet side.

But one major thing that is still bugging me, is it possible to get bigger without losing my abs and general definition(such as the definition around my chest and back)? Or can you only put on weight, gain the muscle, then after that is done gain the definition?


Usually when gaining weight (bulking, call it what you want), you need to be in calorie excess, with an unfortunate part of this being an increase in bodyfat.. A big part of this will down to how many cals you eat / what you eat..

When you say "gain definition" i think you're getting a bit confused. YOu can't really "gain it" .. Definition all comes down to how lean you are (you're body fat %) and revealing the muscle underneath.

eg. Person 1 has the same amount of muscle as Person 2, but Person 2 has a slightly higher bodyfat.. although they have the same amount of muscle, Person 2 will have more "definition" as you like to put it. They're leaner which means they'll have more vascularity and "definition".

You'll find a lot of guys get to 8-10% bodyfat in there leaner parts of the year and can blow up to mid teens or higher when bulking. It all comes down to diet (calories in vs calories out) ..

Listen to the blokes above, that program is all you need at the moment mate. You'll put on a lot of size and strength, don't worry about you're bf% that much, it is possible to stay lean and put on size, but just remember its easier to lose bodyfat than put on muscle, so once you've packed on a lot of size you'll find it quite easy to strip off any bodyfat you've gained..
There is your answer biggest kid, its usually one or the other gain vs cut. To gain muscle beyond beginner gains, you need to eat more than what your body requires to function on a daily basis, but a little fat will develop also. Read up on BMR (basal metabolic rate)

You say you want to do 4 sessions a week? Perhaps the 4th could be a HIIT session consisting of burpees, tabata thrusters, various kettlebell complexes? This should help in burning a little extra fat. Search for the 100 burpees challenge if you're really keen
I went 15 reps with 140kg on squats 2 weeks ago (vid in log), but had to stop because I was to puffed haha.

You know Scott they say that you can breath in far more oxygen while hyperventilating than when you are doing exercise , so lack of oxygen is never a limiting factor although it may 'feel' like it.
Ok thanks guys. I thought it was possible coz i have a friend who put on 25kg in less than a year and kept looking good the whole time he was doing it, and he wont tell me how haha. If any of you could shed some light it'd be much appreciated.

And a question on the program, how long rest should i have between sets and between different exercises?

25kg in less than a year while staying lean?
OK i read that for gaining weight but keeping definition it is good to "keep protein intake REALLY high, keep simple carbs and saturated fats to a very minimum, stick with glucose for sugars when you can and keep your fiber intake high."

Is this true?

It also said to do some isolation exercises, should i do this also?