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My new "not" diet


Active member
So, this is not a diet.
This is what I'm eating pretty much every day on the quest for optimal nutrition. Its not great yet, but it's a start. I'm learning more and more every, so it can only get better from here.

Breakfast -
Protien shake
1l water
2 pieces of fruit or organic/natural peanut butter on organic gluten free bread.

1 chicken breast
1L of salad including red onion, capsicum, various sprouts and beans, baby spinach, carrot, pumpkin...... + more

Lunch- leftovers from dinner which is normally
2 handfuls of brown rice
1 table spoon coconut oil
Raw veggies - broc, carrot, cauliflower, zucchini....... + heaps more

Afternoon tea or 1 hr before workout
Protein shake
Fruit or peanut butter sambo

After workout
Shake - shower - dinner, lean meat and raw veggies/beans/nuts

Shake and supps

Home made veggie juice - 4 apples, 3 carrots, 1/2 head of brochalli, 1 lebonese cucumber, 1 zucchini, 2 stick celery, 1 beetroot, 1 serve of macro greens.
Consume 750ml-1l daily

Grape skin/ seed extract
Consume 2 per day

Fish oil
100epa : 500dha
Consume 4 per day

Vitamin C, through a straw, in water, around 5mg a serve
Consume 35000mg per day. I increase by 2000mg per day untill my bowls can't take it anymore.

Serve in water.
Consumed before bed, or with any meal that doesn't have 30g protien.

Coming off red meat at the moment.

So this is where I'm at currently. BF has come down 1-2% after 3 weeks of this food. I'm not getting any weaker, and I feel 90% perfect.

Of course this will change as I find out about even more awesome, tastey, healthy foods. But hus is my base.
All fruit and veg is now 100% organic. Eggs are organic and free range.
Im still working on getting my meat 100% free range and organic, its only about 30% currently.
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It seems fair to me, though I am in favour of something nice and starchy for breakfast, like oats, and generally more nuts and beans. I also find yoghurt excellent for the digestion. But that's me.

The important question is, how do you feel? Because whatever the theories about calories and macros and organic and vitamin this and mineral that, in the end... results count. So do you feel better or worse with this diet compared to your old one?

If better, then well done, keep going.
I feel heaps better eating this stuff. I have a diet on here, a few pages back, it was not so flash.
I still feel a bit lazy/lethargic, but I have some tests pending. It could be a bit more than food.

But I can say, with 100% honesty, I feel HEAPS better physically, and emotionally.
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It seems fair to me, though I am in favour of something nice and starchy for breakfast, like oats, and generally more nuts and beans.

I found those beans for you sticky:

Hahaha. Don't they also eat goji berries?
If you could hook a brother up with some of those bad boys, I'd take them :D
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Thanks noobs :).

Couldn't be doing it without your constant help and support It is very, very much appreciated.
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From the "northy street markets" in brisbane. Its a random patch of land just on the rim of the CBD. They run workshops and stuff there on how to grow your own food ect, and on every sunday, all the organic farmers from S.E qld come and sell their produce.
Its awesome. And they do an unreal breakfast :).

You might be lucky to find one in Tbar, but I doubt it. I never saw one while I was up there. You might have to google organic markets in Esk? or gatton.... Im sure you could find one somewhere.
From the "northy street markets" in brisbane. Its a random patch of land just on the rim of the CBD. They run workshops and stuff there on how to grow your own food ect, and on every sunday, all the organic farmers from S.E qld come and sell their produce.
Its awesome. And they do an unreal breakfast :).

You might be lucky to find one in Tbar, but I doubt it. I never saw one while I was up there. You might have to google organic markets in Esk? or gatton.... Im sure you could find one somewhere.

Didn't know about that one, i go to the ones at rocklea.
Hmm i have heard of an organic store in Toowoomba but I don't think it would sell the range I require. I'll check it out. A drive to Gatton for fruit and veg... Maybe I'll try some sensu beans first