Sticky i would like you ot look into b17 or laetrile. Also there are 2 other things that i have written down at home that are used clinically to boost NK cell activity.
The b17 stuff will inetrest you.
Also you absorb about 10% via scrotum. But it really depends on how much DHT you currently have and how high it goes doing this. I.e if e2 gets too high it will cause prostate problems.
I was applying to under my arms and scrotum as i losing head hair doesnt bother me i shave it sometimes anyway. But dht can increase the speed iadvise you shave your nuts though so you have more absorbtion (if you dont already ) and udner your arms as well however do this the night before you apply as it may sting like **** otherwise.
If you have hypothyroid then usually the skin is thicker so gel will not absorb as well. Some people may reach 14nmol/L that are hypo.
1 more thing your nuts are going to shrink. Its no biggie. If you are concerned about this ask the doc for some hCG and you shoot about 250iu eod to prevent atrophy.
0.5mg of adex sound like too much for 1 hit people are generally better with 0.25mg eod so thats 1 quarter of a tab. But you may not need it at all. I didnt it was only until i added hcg ontop of gel that my e2 went 4 times normal value and my nipples started to get sore.
Go and sign up to the forum i linked you too, there are alot of people there who know even more then our doc and more then most people in the world in regards to this as they have dealt with it their entire lives.
As for suncreen my mrs brothers (lebanese) are tradesman and spend all day in the sun no sunscreen or hats they never burn they just go black. SO jelaous !
[ame=]YouTube - Cancer cure vitamin B17 - a wellness revolution?[/ame]