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The tighter the Gun Laws the more people are worried about having an illegal firearm in their possession. Police love a reason to search suspected criminal's person and their homes.

Don't quite follow what you are trying to communicate here. But thanks for another free kick anyway.

Tighter gun laws just means only the criminals have guns and yes the police would use that as an excuse to search more homes, not just criminals.

I was the Caretaker at a property in a lower socio-economic area where one of those incidents occurred. Another was a Backpackers in Melbourne, the other a Transport company who hired African Immigrant labour.

Yes Von, you do have little social conscience if you're prepared to put your own shooting for sport ahead of hundreds and thousands of innocent people being shot in the U.S. and anywhere else.

You keep posting bullshit Von. Normal people with a social conscience can see what B.S. it is.

Yes I do put my freedom ahead of people in the U.S. being shot. I don't live there and whatever I do in my own country of Australia has little bearing on the behaviour of the people in the US or "anywhere else" in the world.

Thanks for another free kick.

What's this "normal person" you refer to anyway? Based on my overall lifestyle profile and demographics I'm probably as conformist and as "normal" as they come. I just happen to own guns and find hunting for food or pest control conservation purposes quite satisfying. That's okay, you don't have to thank me for protecting the environment; I do it as part of one of my roles anyway, for almost no charge and it's tax deductible in my case.

And the competitive sports side of shooting is the most fun I can have with my pants on. That might make you feel a bit sooky that I can enjoy myself without breaking any laws and you lack the ability to prevent me from getting my thrills. I'm going out this afternoon with my teenage son (who also competes) to put about 500 or 1000 rounds downrange at all sorts of targets with pistols, revolvers and pump action shotguns - while I'm enjoying myself that should give you a few minutes in which to find an empirically based argument against my thrill seeking sport.

Ps I love all the all the medals and trophies. My dogs are also well fed.
Yes I do put my freedom ahead of people in the U.S. being shot. I don't live there and whatever I do in my own country of Australia has little bearing on the behaviour of the people in the US or "anywhere else" in the world.

So you put your desire to shoot for fun ahead of hundreds and thousands of innocent people being killed. Well I think that conclusively shows that you have little social conscience Von.

So you put your desire to shoot for fun ahead of hundreds and thousands of innocent people being killed. Well I think that conclusively shows that you have little social conscience Von.

Have you been lobotomised or does it run in the family?

Where is the causative link between my lawful firearms ownership as an Australian citizen and the "hundreds of thousands" of murders you mention in the USA and other countries? What next - my status as a shooter causes global warming?

Reading your nonsense makes me thankful that only people of good character are allowed to legally own firearms in Australia.
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Maybe, but its in the BRIC and developing sufficiently to host an Olympics. The world will soon able to view what a country with a real gun crime problem looks like.

I can almost guarantee you won't be shown an ounce of that. Everything will look dandy.
As an aside, and completely OT, it may not be so much a matter of Brazil being developed enough to host the Olympics, but hosting the Olympics because they are dveloping. Developing countries receive preferential economic treatment from developed countries. I don't know how the IOC's modus operandi but no doubt the economic activity that will be generated is a factor.
Piffle and rot again. Brazil is a developed nation, has tighter gun laws than USA but has four or five times the gun murder rate. Want some more examples, or do you have some more "reliable" factoids?

*sniff sniff*. Smell that^? Its Cows? Sheeps? No its BULLshit thats what it is! More lies hey Von.

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*sniff sniff*. Smell that^? Its Cows? Sheeps? No its BULLshit thats what it is! More lies hey Von.

So you believe that Brazil has lower gun homicide rate than USA?

Zero cred for you zero intellect also

Let me guess, you were at port Arthur and hoddle street and two of your best mates were shot down in a gun homicide
Just lime that genics clown claimed he was at dunblane.
You little twerps are so full of shit when you can't find a rational against someone else's freedom. Somehow my gun ownership influences the gun murder rates in USA.

Fuck, I feel like eating my eyeball with a fork sometimes.
Well that was great, safe afternoon at the range. No body died, and not one of the many hundreds of rounds we sent downrange resulted in a single firearms death in USA or any other country. There was an almost imperceptible increase in global temperatures and it is possible that somewhere on this blue planet, a dolphin died.

Come and take them; powerless hoplophobes.
I remember when I was a kid we used to take a mates 22s to this Bush area and shoot at targets. Sort of fun.

I should get a Gun license, got no criminal record or anything. But why? If I lived in the U.S. I would certainly have one. But here in Australia you don't need one.

If the U.S. introduced similar Guns laws to what Australia has it would certainly save a lot of innocent lives.