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To be honest I probably wouldn't carry living here, but why should I not be allowed to if I'm licensed for it?

Learn to fight? You really are a clown. That's the whole problem with this country at the moment - might is right, because no one is allowed to own anything for self defence, lethal or not. You should tell women who get bashed, raped and killed that, or the elderly. Criminals tend to prey on those who are or are perceived to be weaker than them.

When it comes to self defence, there is no such thing as a "fair fight". We live in a country where it's becoming increasingly popular to gang bash or coward punch people, and the currently accepted outcome is to report it to the police, or run away.

You can own guns to protect stock, but not your family, money but not yourself.

On defensive gun use, have a read here -



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Seriously Bozo. I have lived in some pretty hairy situations, known Murders, Bank Robbers, drug dealers, even people who have been held "at Her Majesty's pleasure for indefinite periods" and I've never needed a Gun to avoid trouble.

This is Australia peanut. You're just posting shit to argue and baffle people by bullshit. It's a tactic of death by a thousand strokes. YOU DON'T NEED A SIDE ARM IN AUSTRALIA.

Your next bullshit argument will be forth coming I'm sure.

likewise, having a gun around said people would make me more uneasy.

I don't agree with Aus gun rules working in America but I'm not going to say that a gun for self defense in Australia is a legitimate reason. How can it be for self defense when it's away under lock and key and it's simply not needed here anyway.

whats wrong for an licensed Aussie gun owner to say I like shooting.
likewise, having a gun around said people would make me more uneasy.

The tighter the Gun Laws the more people are worried about having an illegal firearm in their possession. Police love a reason to search suspected criminal's person and their homes.

Well firstly, carrying a Magnum 45 or whatever Bozo wants to carry isn't necessary to enjoy the "sport" of shooting. Secondly, it doesn't need to be carried at all times and should be locked up. I've got no issue with Farmers or Security personal carrying weapons for work. But Bozos wanting to carry is ridiculous.

There is no reason for concealed carry in Aus at all.
So I make a reasoned argument and cite sources, yet the best you two can do is respond with ad hominems and personal attacks. Pretty pathetic really. You don't NEED plenty of things in Australia, people want them nonetheless, it's an absurd argument. I'm not trying to baffle you, but nor am I relying on trying to present my opinion or anecdotes as fact.

If you can't understand what I'm linking (and all you really need read is the abstract), then there's not much I can do for you. The actual shit posting is your images.

@Bazza20; it's a bit of a grey area, but there is one case locally where someone took the gun out of their safe, shot and killed someone who was trying to attack them (a junkie of course) and they got acquitted for manslaughter. I would have thought that taking it out etc. would have counted as premeditation, but apparently not.

Concealed carry, or even castle doctrine in this country with our current licensing system wouldn't do much to ordinary people. If you feel uneasy around law abiding people with firearms, that's probably your own irrational fear coming out. Realistically, I can't see concealed carry happening here without a huge surge in violent crime, I can live with that. Doesn't stop me supporting the principle though.

Actually the type of firearms most often used for concealed carry are either banned due to our ridiculous laws on barrel size or are used as sporting firearms. I still find it a head scratcher that a security guard can carry a gun to protect money or valuables, but not for self defence, nor can anyone else.
What about non lethal self defence items?

I've love some Pepper spray, tear gas canisters or a cattle prod. But even those are illegal. (Are cattle prods illegal @Bazza20; )

I've had a knife pulled on me twice and have once wrestled a knife off a crazed African immigrant. So I'd say not for the average person, No.

But if that floats your Goat, go for it.
It would solve some useless arguments shooting the bastard in the foot might not change his opinion but it will damn sure make him think twice before saying something else stupid.

We gonna start shooting people in the foot for saying stupid shit? Better carry a lot of bullets, particularly around here.

I think they are illegal if you don't have a reason for having one. Eg animals.

I think they are illegal if you don't have a reason for having one. Eg cattle.
Seriously Bozo. I have lived in some pretty hairy situations, known Murders, Bank Robbers, drug dealers, even people who have been held "at Her Majesty's pleasure for indefinite periods" and I've never needed a Gun to avoid trouble.


I think you made some comment about my lack of social conscience or words to that effect.

Law abiding, community minded firearms owners such as myself don't tend to choose the same company that you seem to be boasting about here.

The cognitive dissonance in this thread is strong. Here we have some anti-gun strawmen who are boofheads and self-imaged tough guys who also frequently resort racist and xenophobic rants.

whereas my shit doesn't stink and I happen to like firearms.

Helping to smash the gun owner stereotypes, thankyou. Very confusing.