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see the problem you have is you dont know dick about my condition, so trying to offer legal opinions based on a few vague forum posts is pretty retarded. and you dont need a waiver for just having a mental illness.

Just a mental illness that requires some pretty serious anti-psychotic drugs hey? Somewhere I smell bullshit.

What's the general consensus amongst land owners up your way Mick, are they generally receptive to responsible people approaching them to hunt on their properties? It has become more difficult to find places to shoot, in SA for instance feral goats are plentiful as you head north but many land owners can make money from them and are therefore less inclined to allow recreational hunters to shoot them in my experience. Feral pigs however may be a different story.
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What's the general consensus amongst land owners up your way Mick, are they generally receptive to responsible people approaching them to hunt on their properties?

Most have certain people that they let onto properties, someone would generally have to come recommended, as at the end of they day they are letting strangers run around their back yard with guns.

I often see the same faces return.

Most local out here hunt with dogs and knifes, most blow ins hunt with guns.

The4x4 ute with the Pigging dogs on the back is a common sight around here.

Personally I can see the necessity and challenge and fun of hunting but not into it myself in a big way any more, used to do a lot of hunting in my younger years, even started chasing deer, but was not very successful, we did get one once

I do still hold a NSW game license which allows me to conduct pest control in state forests and certain public lands, I recommend it if you are interested in hunting.
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and what drug and dose is it?

Dude, you and your Genics alter ego talked about being on some pretty serious S8 anti-psychotic medications. I don't give a shit what dose you use, you probably will lie about that now that you have been busted. If you even use. If you even exist.

If you are the person your online character suggests you are, you shouldn't even be on a domestic flight without restraints and a psych nurse.

None of your or Genics online history stacks up and there are deficiencies in your stories I could fly an airbus through.

If you can not be bothered listening for 23 minutes, I'll give you the gist of the uploader's point of view. By the way, the JPFO in the background stand for Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership. The man's point was relating to the gun control registration act of 1968 that was (according to him) inspired by Nazi law, as was the assassination of president JFK. This act was brought in after the assassination of JFK, his brother Robert, and Dr Martin Luther King.

Now listening to what this man was going on about, I can not help but assume that he was prompted to make his video based on what Obama is aiming to do soon (if he's able to). And that is to make gun owner check more vigorous and gun registration harder to obtain. That was my understanding of how these two opposite camps are operating. One (the gun owner in the video) wanting to abolish / revoke registration altogether, whilst his opposition (Obama) wanting to make the current system even tougher on potential / future gun owners with all the checks and the process of registration.

Several questions: listening to the man in the video, is this a case of having an inch wanting a meter? Are gun owners not satisfied with what they currently have under the US gun law? I personally disagree with this man's position of wanting to do away with gun registration altogether. Does not the act of gun registration, serve to identify the person behind the gun? If not, or if the gun violence the whole of America is debating right now does not very much involve legitimately registered gun owners, then should we not be taking this man's point of view into consideration? What are your thoughts on this particular matter? Thank you.
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While we're at it we should model ourselves on those great socially progressive nations in Eastern Africa. Seems to works for them...
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[MENTION=2727]Fadi[/MENTION]; I don't think it's quite so black and white. Many gun owners in the US can accept the fact that there has to be some regulation of people, and that is the NRA's stance. The thing they are pushing for is better enforcement of existing laws, rather than opportunistic politicians using appeals to emotion and executive overreach to secure their "legacy". There is a minority who want any and all regulation done away with, that is unlikely to happen.

Gun registries are a complete and utter waste of time, Canada did away with theirs due to the fact that the registry was shown to be of nil crime fighting value, and cost the taxpayers millions, much like the firearms registries here.
Thank you kindly for that, much appreciated. Please excuse my ignorance in this area sir, but is registering a gun the equivalent to registering a vehicle? In that if I see a hit and run, and grab the rego number of that car, it can be traced back to its registered owner. Anything like that with guns, and if not, why register them? Again, thank you for the information you're providing.

happy to clarify anything about my life, i dont bs and this is one of the few places i can be honest about things. so what deficiencies are we talking about?

i notice mental illness and medication seems to be a bit of a sore point with you..
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You should open up your own NRA branch here Bozo. You could be the [STRIKETHROUGH]propoganda[/STRIKETHROUGH] I mean PR manager.