A good friend of mine passed away recently. He was 33. Had a wife and and 2 year old. He was taking a lot of stuff. At one point he was taking 1 - 1.5 grams of test per week, along with tren and deca. He would 'cruise' at 300-500 grams per week. I couldn't believe it when he told me. He was also taking large amounts of Valium and antidepressants. His marriage was breaking down. He had been having an affair with another woman for over 3 years (I believe his wife knew).
Now I'm filled with regret I did nothing to stop it.
He actually died from myocardial infarcation: basically he had a blockage in a major artery to his heart that was stopping the blood from returning to his heart.
I spoke to his wife last week and she wants to meet for a coffee to discuss his 'drug abuse'. This won't be easy. I knew what he was taking all along.
Initially he was secretive about it.
He his the compounds and the barrels etc. Towards the end it was all on display in his kitchen. In full view for his wife and kid to see.
So so sad. I'm cut up about it.