Everyone should get down on their knees and thank God, Allah, the tooth fairy whoever for the great minds at the various Central Banks around the World. Most kunce have no idea of how many catastrophic bullets we've dodged thanks to them.
All of our incomes, Wealth and quality of life is tied to their "pulling the economic levers".
Think its a good thing to be inextricably tied to your material possessions?
No, but if the World economy goes into a Depression, life for all of us gets that much harder.
The data suggests that's how close we've come at times.
We re all about 40 kgs overweight stiffy
Don't worry, when these Chinese Commy kunts take over they'll fix that. We'll all be living off a handful of Rice and working at Slave labour rates.
.1.they get outworked
.2.they become too corrupt and get soft from the inside.
Have a think about that bro.
How you can call yourself a Christian when you don't care about the millions of people the CCP murders, enslaves and torture just for standing up to or defying their totalitarian regime I don't know Gerry. That's the opposite of Christianity. Oh, Christians are imprisoned in China. Something else you didn't know or conveniently overlook?
Well every race has done that. Why should i hate chinese based on what a few politicians and military do?
It's not about Chinese, it's about the CCPs totalitarian regime.
and i can stop them how? by quitting my job?
By all civilised Countries standing together and putting pressure on them to end their abuse of not only their own Citizens but other Countries now too.
How you can call yourself a Christian when you don't care about the millions of people the CCP murders, enslaves and torture just for standing up to or defying their totalitarian regime I don't know Gerry. That's the opposite of Christianity. Oh, Christians are imprisoned in China. Something else you didn't know or conveniently overlook?