Active Member, June10MOTM
Thanks mate!
OK, this might be of use to quite a few novices at my level. To put it into perspective, I've been training on and off for years and know enough to be dangerous without the discipline and diet to see sustained gains.
So, I've turned over a new leaf and really want to lock everything down tight to see what I can achieve with discipline. I'm going to work Markos' PPP programme on Tue/Thu/Sat doing Squats/Bench/Deads and have the discipline to stick to this.
What I'm missing is a good "starting" diet that I can then put the bells and whistles on as I learn more about how my body responds.
I weigh 75kg so figure around the 1800cal mark is appropriate as my BMR technically requires 1600cals or thereabouts.
I figure if I keep it simple and go for 30gm of protein in each of my six daily meals then I get to 180gm. If I add a PWO shake then I'm at 210gm which should ensure my muscles have the material they need to grow. I'll use WPC for my shakes in the day and add Cassein to the pre-bed shake as my 6th "meal" of the day. Each meal should be a serve of protein and a serve of carbs.
My protein sources are (for one 30gm serve):
180gm chicken breast
180gm tuna/fish
180gm lean beef
5 large egg whites
900ml non-fat milk
40gm WPC
My carb sources are (for one 25gm serve):
30gm rice
30gm pasta
40gm oatmeal
1 medium potato
1 piece of fruit
240ml fruit juice
Dietary Fat sources are (aiming 10%)
6gms = 180gm skinless chicken breast
2gms = 180gm water packed tuna
10gms = 180gm lean beef
4gms = 1 whole egg
3gms = 40gm oatmeal
Dietary Fibre Sources
Dietary Antioxidant Sources
Vitamin, mineral, Enzyme Intake
My aim is to build some serious muscle mass but I want to strip the 20% body fat as I go. I'm not much into cycling the training/diet so was looking for a pretty neat starting diet that would ensure my muscles got what they needed to grow as much as possible whilst not loading the system with too much carbs or fats that I hold weight elsewhere. Pretty simple. Big muscles, low fat.
I'll tweak it as time goes by, but have to start somewhere.
Until recently I've been doing three square meals a day in big portions. Used to like my ice cream for dessert and a couple of beers or glasses of wine with dinner every night. Breakfast was a "healthy" bowl of cereal with milk, i.e. no protein to talk of. Lunch was normally some chicken breast and salad pre-prepared which was pretty good. Dinner whatever my wife cooked but could be roast, pasta, stir fry, salmon etc. Nothing before bed. Lots of white carbs, not enough meals and not enough protein. So basically anything is a good step forward...
Recently I've shifted to having a cereal breakfast with a WPC shake for breakfast including my three fish oil tabs, a multi-vitamin and dim. Last two days have been 5 egg whites fried with no oil on two pieces wholemeal toast no butter. Then cottage cheese or WPC shake with milk mid-morning. Lunch no real change. Mid-afternoon WPC shake. Workout at 5:30pm and dinner straight after. If dinner is an hour off I'll have a PWO shake. Dinner is still predominately what my wife cooks but she's cutting carbs out of her diet because of genetic high cholesterol (aboriginal decent) so that's a bonus. Pre-bed WPC shake and aim to move this to Cassein.
Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated. And I reckon there might just be a few guys out there who'd benefit from a "beginner's toning and growing diet".
Thanks for all the suggestions to date.
I have ameneded your headings you were missing a few very important ones...