Jasol if you're going to drink the creatine with juice, best to take it with grape juice any other type of juice may not give you the insulin spike required to transport the creatine into your system. For consistency and taste I would recommend getting a tub of gatorage and chucking your creating into that. If you don't want to pay the $10 per container then Dextrose would be your next bet or Vitargo if you wanna go top shelf. It doesn't matter when you take it for best effect, I guess you need to take it for least negative impact. My opinion would be to take creatine after the workout to avoid the water retention properties of creatine onsetting any early forms of dehydration. After the workout makes sense as you body is sucking up nutrients and creating has a better chance of getting where it should go. One final thing, make sure you dont mix it with water until you're ready to go to the gym. Creatine degrades to creatinine in about 8 hours under certain conditions, so best not to leave it overnight.
Raphsta I take unflavoured casseine, nothing wrong with it.
Raphsta I take unflavoured casseine, nothing wrong with it.