Can't speak for others (like said "guru" is trying to, for example), but *I* have definitely read the whole thing. Not a problem there.
As for "emotional replies", give it a fucking break, mate. Calling out what amounts to
flat out bullshit is not emotional; it's
necessary, and most of it deserves some fire, or derision at the very least. This is one of many such cases.
For example:
"The low bar squat is not an exercise for leg development; it’s a way of doing a strength feat that allows a man or woman to lift the most weight while staying within the rules for the lift, but it’s not a movement that those who wish to develop leg strength for sports or to improve the shape and appearance of their legs has any business doing."
What a load of fucking shit. "Not an exercise for leg development" ... well, this wanker thinks he knows aaallll about squats. But no. He's opinionated, arrogant, and as it turns out, ignorant as well. IOW, totally full of shit.
It's not the first time someone with that kind of status has shot their mouth off, with something so retarded, you might wonder if they've spent more time smashing their head into the nearest walls all day every day, rather than training anyone, or lifting anything.
Not that US weightlfiters have got very far in some time anyway...