Squat Booty
So basically I did the main movement on the power day for 6-7 sets of 3-5, then or other things on that day I did 2-3 sets 6-8
Eg squat- 7 sets x5
Leg press 3 sets x 8 reps
Stiff leg deads 2x 8 reps
Leg ext 2x8
Leg curl 2x8
Push power/Bench day
6x 3-5 bench press
4x 3-5 ohp
Inc db 3x 8
3x8 weighted dips
Pull power/ dead day
6x 3-5 deads
3x8 bb row
3x 8 tbar row
3x 8 lat pd
Then my hypertrophy days were a pretty simple lower upper split
squats 3x10-12
Hack squat 3x 10-12
Farmers walk 3x fail
Glute/ham raise 3x15
Superset leg curl+ext 2x15
Calf press 3 x15
4x12 flat db press
3x12 seated db shoulder press
4x12 rack pulls
3x drop set cable crossover
50 wide grip pull ups (as many sets as needed)
1x15 bro curls
1x 15 skull crush
That's about it, yes my hypertrophy days were a bit Bro-ish but herp derp that's what I was doing at the time
Much appreciated! Very helpful.. thanks!