You must go to bed early or eat dinner late.
PS I believe most people would eat dinner, so it's probably a pointless comment just to stir the pot, as it adds nothing useful to the discussion.
I have dinner generally between 5 and 6 pm, then I go to bed at generally between 11pm and midnight and get up around 6-7am the next morning, so there is generally 6 hours of no food before I even get to bed, then a further 7-8 hours before I get up then I generally don't eat till about 9am-10am as I don't really like eating first thing when I get up usually eat for morning tea at work.
So I get hungry. So I have a shake to stop this from happening, save me having another meal and getting fat from excess calories. When I was younger and tended not to put on fat I used to eat 2-3 peanut butter sandwiches before bed washed down with a large glass of milk to stop me waking up hungry, unfortunately if I did this today I would look like the michelin man.
And yes I also eat dinner, and I am sure the OP also had dinner, so I would not really consider it strange as you suggested in your pointless post.
Just gets a bit tiring and boring at times, what are you here for?? Just to stir the pot and not really add anything useful??