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July Calf Challenge

All my seated calf raises are done on either the 45 Leg press or normal leg press

Seated calf raise 5x20 @ 11 plates

Really couldn't be bothered training ( lack of sleep )

2 x single leggers 12, 12

3 x 2 legs (1 sec per rep, 20 sec rest between sets) 45, 25, 15

calves are dying
Saturday 7th July, 2012

6.5km walk from Coogee Beach to Bondi Beach.
Quite a few steps involved.
That's my calf training recovery workout.

2 x single leggers 12, 12

3 x 2 legs (1 sec per rep, 20 sec rest between sets) 45, 25, 15

calves are dying

who knew,

training a small muscle group at 100 reps+ a day, that muscle group would eventually be fatigued aka dying
My calves feel great. Feel like they've had a good workout, but don't feel bad in anyway. Shouldn't have any problems seeing the end of the month out, and with the results I've gotten so far, just makes me wanna work harder.

Today I've done single leggers again

each leg 20, 15, 15, 15, 25 x bw
Last edited:
1 - Bella, KFG, GROAR, Vandal, D1cko, bradsky, richottr, Tregs, Oznut, fmdreams, The Hulk
2 - Bella, bradsky, Tregs, GROAR, KFG, Oznut, The Hulk, richottr, D1cko, Vandal
3 - Bella, bradsky, The Hulk, richottr, GROAR, Vandal, Tregs, KFG, D1cko, jzpowahz, fmdreams, Oznut
4 - Bella, bradsky, The Hulk, Tregs, GROAR, richottr, Oznut, KFG, jzpowahz, Vandal, D1cko
5 - Bella. jzpowahz, fmdreams, Tregs, Vandal. D1cko, GROAR, KFG, The Hulk, richottr, bradsky
6 - Bella, The Hulk, GROAR, Tregs, bradsky, richottr, KFG
7 - Bella, jzpowahz, GROAR, Tregs, KFG, bradsky

Have people given up already ???
but seriously, wait till you kids start working, you don't get recovery days.

I'm sure everything will be ok.

my prediction is that I will get about 1/2 a cm in the ol' cows. (which is ok by me)
ausbb setting the standard Yeah boi!

My calves & legs are sore from dancing for 6 hours in heels last night!

poor thing how about the ball of your foot? I am half South American and when I do Salsa and the rest by the end of the marathon of dancing my legs want to kill me
to catch the records up - because I update my training log and not here

2/7 - 90kg calf press 10 x3
4th and 6th/7 - 30kg seated calf raise 3x15
7/7 - 60kg calf press 10x3

my trainer is going to kill me with the ones that he has set up and my calf muscles will bulge it looks something like this:
One set consists of 4 x 10 full contractions, 20 pumps (together) then singles x 10 - this gets done 3 times!!

  1. 12 x singles
  2. 20 x doubles + 40kg
  3. 12 x doubles + 60kg
  4. 8 x doubles + 100kg
  5. 8 x doubles + 100kg