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Second to this if let's say catholic??? For example went to the cop shop and repeatedly stabbed 2 cops with a knife he wasn't supposed to be carrying I wouldn't march through the CBD protesting about it.
Second to this if let's say catholic??? For example went to the cop shop and repeatedly stabbed 2 cops with a knife he wasn't supposed to be carrying I wouldn't march through the CBD protesting about it.
I wouldn't go so far as to say "these people" as that appears to be a fairly blanket statement encompassing all Muslims which I would never do as my personal view is that there are good and bad people from all walks of life no matter where you come from, what faith you follow, what your financial situation, skin colour etc don't care. Your either a good person or your not that's it.
As many contributing members of this thread have mentioned they either have Muslim friends or follow the Muslim faith themselves all of which as mentioned by each individual must be considered you would imagine as good people otherwise they would have no reason to associate with them.
The people condemning a police officer for using the force necessary to restrain a young man from stabbing them repeatedly that logic must speak for itself.
I think if you undertake that sort of activity then you must be aware of the associated risks that accompany it. This time it cost someone their life.
I guess it boils down to if you don't want to be shot then you don't go around stabbing kunce who have guns...
"Some Muslim groups distanced themselves from Haidar yesterday, with al-Furqan releasing a statement saying the group is not involved or connected to the incident."
At last, a muslim group denouncing the ISIL group and their terrorist followers.
even civilians have the right to use lethal force if someone is trying to kill them. fuck if it was the usa **** would be shot and no one would even blink
Cops definately don't discriminate. Remember that white kid high on meth that charged the cops with a knife, he was shot dead. Mistakes might happen but if you're dumb enough to charge a cop with a knife you deserve to die.
A jihadist gives an altimatum to his captive
"Right you infidel, I'm going to give you a choice, you can have a quick death by beheading or you can die an excruciating death by being burnt at the stake"
His captive says, " I want to be burnt to death!"
"The amazed Jihadist asks "Why on Allah's green earth would you choose an excruciating painful death over a quick and painless one?
Well says the captive, "I'd rather have a hot stake than a cold chop!"