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Jihadist Khaled Sharroufs son holds severed head

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i said all of them. is that not clear? im not going to go and list post numbers when you will never accept it anyway. got better things to do, like watch batman!
[MENTION=17457]Repacked[/MENTION]; you have tried to be the voice of impartiality, do you think he has an evasive and confusing writing style?
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i said all of them. is that not clear? im not going to go and list post numbers when you will never accept it anyway. got better things to do, like watch batman!
Okay Genics, I'll let you save face yet again. But please don't pick on me if you can't back up what you accuse me of next time okay! Stay strong and say Hi to batman for me !

not trying to save face, im saying all of your answers. is that not clear enough for you?
I'm trying my best to make it easier for you by not asking you for more than just one!

Hey, I can make it very uncomfortable for you Genics by going back (as I've done before), and pick some of the questions you've asked me and show the people my replies,...like the one about condemn or condone remember that one? We can go there if you wish matey. It's your call...

So basically what I'm saying to you is get the hell out of my kitchen if you can't stand the heat okay mate! I'm not here to play games, this is extremely serious for me, for my family, and playing games and wasting time is something I could do without!

i notice you ignored my post re your wife
What has that got to do with anything Genics? I hope that's not what you were referring to when you spoke of me been evasive. Because it's not.

Now re your comment about that low life scum bag (and more than likely a wife basher since he likes to act tough with women), he in fact acted out his hatred by taking it out on a weak, vulnerable, and defenceless woman. Some haters talk, just like some Muslim Imams talk in mosques spewing out their speech of hatred. The difference is one talks and thinks it's quite alright because he's not acting anything out, yet knows full well that his words has the potential to be just what an impressionable young or ignorant person needs to act them out. To me, both are low life scum bags, irrespective of religion or no religion. Hate breeds hate, get that through your head Genics!

I do appreciate your words re my wife, I honestly do, and perhaps, just perhaps, you and I are finally coming on to agreeing on one friggin thing!

I agree hate does breed hate. i dont hate though as i said in this post.

I agree hate does breed hate. i dont hate though as i said in this post.
I can see that it means a lot to you, a real lot that you are not perceived as a hater mate, I can sense that in your words. But we know that it has been said: But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, Matthew 15:18 (yes, it's the bible been quoted by a Muslim for you Genics).So when 800 Police officers plus some ASIO members raided some Muslim homes here in Sydney about a week ago, they did not do so because these friggin Muslim morons acted out their hate that was caught by surveillance police. But their homes were raided based on the chatter that the police perceived to be dangerous enough as to warrant some serious action on behalf of the boys and girls in blue (may God bless them all for protecting us). Now out of 15 or so that were arrested, I believe only one has been charged (I stand to be corrected on this). My point is this: it's not what you say about you, it's what I and others say about your words, and whether they do carry a message of hate or not. I bet you those Muslims pleaded heavy handed police force and brutality when they (the Muslim imbeciles ) were "only chatting"!

You may not like to hear me or others say that hey Genics, your words are such and such. But it's up to the listener (or as in this case the reader) to make that judgment based on the overall content of your message, my message, and everyone else's message. Peer pressure is a son of a bitch ain't it Genics. We all want to belong, unfortunately some of us get sucked in by the wrong crowd!

the simple fact is, religion is the problem as it has been for thousands of years
I don't know if you've heard, but in philosophy there is something called practical reason. The opposite of that would be a theoretical reason. We need the first one here Genics. Because under practical reason, we can formulate a plan of action and go forward from there. To say religion is the problem, is to say religion is the problem! Yeh so what are you gonna do about it bro?! Can you see where I'm going with this....dead end! Of course you can apply the theoretical reason and say we'll just wipe all religious people off the face of the earth and be done with it. Problem solved !

So this bit about hey, I don't hate, but religion is the problem ain't gonna do it I'm afraid. We need solutions not adding problems on top of what you already perceive to be the problem itself! I'll leave it here for now...

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Credibility gone with 9/11 conspiracy theory ramblings.

Then when ISIS called to kill Australians you claimed another conspiracy and that it wasn't in main news outlets. Yet 30 seconds of google searching showed it was in all of them.

That crap about the new world order conspiracy

From memory you initially claimed one of the beheading videos was faked as well.
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I'm very disappointed with you Bazza, very disappointed indeed! I asked you to give it your best shot and all you could come up with was basically, you lost your credibility because you beleive such and such. Really Bazza! You could have saved yourself the trouble by simply writing hey Fadi, you lost your credibility when you stopped believing what I believe to be the truth. Or put another way, you lost your credibility because you don't believe what I do and you don't conform to what other people who agree with me also beleive to be the truth.

Let's just take that beheading hoax which you (and others of course) beleive to be so true. Have you got a nice sharp knife at home? I do mean sharp! Preferably one that looks like the one been used by that other fake isis man with that heavy English accent okay. Now I wouldn't want you to try this experiment on yourself of course, in fact, I wouldn't want you to try it at all (unless you live on a farm in a country area somewhere where it is legal to slit the throat of a chicken, sheep, goat and the like purely for human consumption ok). Now I've done it on some birds like ducks and chickens when I was in Egypt and know from firsthand experience of what I'm talking about. So if you're a city resident, then I ask you to use your imagination or better still, go check out some slaughter of sheep , goats, and the like on YouTube . Let me know if it takes 6 TIMES of moving the knife back and forth against the throat of an animal before you see a drop of blood okay!

Oh, just for good measure, James Foley was not the only fake in that video, his mum an dad double, and his brother and sister double also, all fake, just for people like you who simply beleive without any further examination. Happy to upload videos for you of what I'm talking about, but I’m sure if you're interested enough, you'd find them all by yourself...before they get taken down like so many other things have.

As for the other stuff that you have mentioned, I'll be more than happy to deal with them all once you show me how a knife that is put against flesh and moved with hatred force, fails miserably to draw a single drop of blood ok! Enjoy the rest of the forum and I repeat, think before you point your finger at me next time!

PS: Having said the above does not negate my stance that IS is a bunch of religious fanatic criminals. However I know when and how to make my distinctions when I write or talk about something. Blindly beleiving has never been my nature.

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Your just keep digging a deeper hole.

Your credibility is gone because you claim to research but have shown that research is just trawling the depths of the internet for conspiracy theories that suit your opinion.

Keep going. Your just keep proving my point.
Hahaha, it's nice to dream is it not! I get it, you don't own a knife! Better luck next time, you've picked on the wrong man and that's all I've got to say. End of story.

PS: Prove this..let a razor sharp knife have a meeting with one of your fingers, and let's see if your finger is as wise as your mouth is...oh sorry wait,...that also must be trawling.
Hey don't do it, or your finger will be cut!
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Hahaha, it's nice to dream is it not! I get it, you don't own a knife! Better luck next time, you've picked on the wrong man and that's all I've got to say. End of story.

Like I said. Keep going. It's just proving my point

What's next

Moon landing was a hoax

Elvis is sill alive

Reptilian humanoids control the world


The holocaust never happened.
Like I said. Keep going. It's just proving my point

What's next

Moon landing was a hoax

Elvis is sill alive

Reptilian humanoids control the world


The holocaust never happened.

You obviously don't read what I write. I did say I do not mix things together remember. I take each subject and deal with it...no mixing of subject and most certainly no blind believing.
The holocaust never happened.
See what I'm talking about...the mixing of subjects!
I beleive I've wasted more than enough of my time on you Bazza. I hope lesson learnt. Now go harass and falsely accuse someone your ownsize ok. Like I said, you've picked on the wrong person and you most certainly havebeaten more than you could chew. Over and out from my end...
No blind believing. Unless its a conspiracy theory that suits the stance you want to take.

You don't think believing some dodgy youtube video on 9/11 conspiracy isn't blind believing.
No blind believing. Unless its a conspiracy theory that suits the stance you want to take.

You don't think believing some dodgy youtube video on 9/11 conspiracy isn't blind believing.

Hey and for the last time, a friggin knife is real and your finger is real,...let them meet and call me back! Good day!
Hey and for the last time, a friggin knife is real and your finger is real,...let them meet and call me back! Good day!

Well now that I have let you dig another hole on the knife comments. I am a dairy farmer. I have been there to butcher animals and until the jugular is cut not much if any blood comes out straight away. We even had to cut the neck of an animal to release pressure from a punctured lung and almost zero blood come out. I know when I cut the top of my finger it stays white for a while before blood starts bleeding.
So i also noticed you calmed the first beheading by the "fake" ISIS man with the English accent. Do you just claim anything done by ISIS is faked.
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