I get drug tested a lot. It comes withe the territory really. A few lifters get put on a list based on various criteria- including performance, rapid changes in bodyweight, being selected for the Australian team etc.
These people are placed on a 'whereabouts' list. I have to provide Asada with a location and time I will be available every day, as well as a regular training schedule, so they can randomly test me.
I have lost count of how many times I have been tested, but this year probably around 10 out of competition tests, 1 in competition- blood test twice, the rest all just urine samples.
The out of competition tests are just for anabolics, test, growth hormone etc, whereas the in competition is all that plus recreationals, stimulants etc.
I had to get a therapeutic exemption for my ventolin inhaler. That involved going to a respiratory specialist in a hospital and getting tests done to prove I get asthma. Serious business.