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In need of a training partner.

I don't know man.
You can't force people to train with you if they don't want to.

They have to want to train with you.
If still, nobody wants to train with you, you have to change.
Because all of them aren't going to change to suit you.

That's what it's about.
but i will change to suit ppl i am flexible, i want someone to train with i am open to ideas, omg i would let them ltell me wat to do man. i dunno wat to do.
It's not about that.

You should not have to change to suit anybody.

You need to present the image and presence, so that they are the ones willing to change for you, without being arrogant about it.

They have to be willing and you need to provide the appeal.
lol ok well i will try to. i prob should swear at them n make them aware of my seriousness too.
i put ads in paper n notices in gym no one respinded said i am not good enuff to train with at the gym. i would come to comprimise but no one will train with me fiull stop.

Do they actually say your not good enough or is that something you made up.

Most people you see at the gym that have training partners are friends outside the gym first.

It could also be you are too hardcore What are your stats? Do you lift insnane weights? How long have you been training? Do you look ripped and rediculous? Maybe people are intimidated by your awsome pressance.

I guess what im saying is dont be so hard on yourself there are thousands of reasons people might not want to train with you.

yeh man ppl hav told me i am not good enuff man... that cuts bad.

i am not ripped or nothing.

i am 5'8 and 83Kg... i look small i am high body fat.
Why the strong need for a training partner? Do it yourself Unless you want buttsecks.
ahhh my god... no one from shepp in victoria here at all there used to be a guy here i remember him ages ago bak in 07...!