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In need of a training partner.

lol yeh hulk.

anyway, i just want trianing partner to push me harder. i want some one who can spot for me and when i wanna rep out a couple more and get burn sensation more so at heavier weight then they will be there to help me, and i would do the same. more than just a training partner i would be a mate as well.
Hey, what happened with that gay guy, was he not into it, or not hardcore enough for you?
um he was in sydney n i tihnk he wanted more of a chum than sumone to train with like i want. n i think he wanted more if u know wat i mean
So you mean he wanted to spot someone nice and close, when they do deep squats

Ass to grass squats are awesome, ass to cok, not so good......
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yeh maybe ?? i dunno wat his agenda was.

but i seriously want a trianing partner. there used to b another guy on here from shepp but i lost contact with him.
modo, you are Mondo from SM, right....
SM is a joke of a forum. I got banned for saying 6oxo was legal, which it is, but the former owner's argument wouldn't stand up so he took the easy option and banned me.
So can't you log on as a new username, or don't want to or care?

I find there is a lot of false friendliness over there.
You can only say good things or you will be ignored.
Seems like a few of the posters think they know everything and their answer is always right, not to be challenged.
Same group of posters seem to rule that forum.

Sorry Mondo for getting off track...
A year or so ago, I did rejoin under a different username and got banned again hahahah.
There was a guy posting links to pirated movies and I said that was illegal so i got banned again because there arguments didn't hold up again.
It's a kiss ass forum that should die a painful death. Stay here, this is way cooler
At first everyons was sucking jesper's cock.
"yes Jesper", "I agree with Jesper" an then when i challenged him the phucker banned me.
I rejoined a few months later and got banned again. I just don't bother with it anymore, too many ***** there.
Jesper, the spiritual master.....
He is like a god.

There's quite a few steroid users there who talk the talk, but when you see their pics, it's like, you talk like a steroid king, but where's the results?
Most of those physiques can be obtained naturally.
Here's some of Jespers work from SM, for those who have not heard already:


Knowledge of self provides self-empowerment....
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 5,165

Introduction to tantra - part 3
Next I will expand on what it means to be a superior man, how to find your higher purpose, and to embrace freedom in all aspects of your life.
I feel it is time for part 3 of my tantra thread . In this thread I will discuss higher purpose and freedom, and what this means exactly.

You may ask what higher purpose and freedom has to do with tantra? Isn't tantra about great sex, full body orgasms, multiple orgasms, dry orgasms and the like?

Tantra is about divine union between people with a feminine and masculine essence. To embrace tantric techniques we need to connect deeply with our partner, sexually and energetically. The energetic connection comes first; this is where we connect with our heart to our partner and fully trust and surrender. This is a pre-requisite for a tantric experience .

For the feminine to surrender to the masculine she needs to trust her man. She needs to trust his integrity and purpose, and that he is living and embodying his higher truth.

My question to the guys reading this is; do you live your higher truth? Do you know what your higher truth is? Do you know your purpose, the real reason for you being here?

A man is lost without knowing this. If you love spending a few hours most evenings in front of the TV, or regularly spending a few hours with the boys at the pub getting drunk, you have lost sight of the gifts you are here to share with your woman and the world.

If your woman nags you about this, it is because she can feel your lack of integrity, your lack of authenticity. She wants you to know your purpose, she wants you to live it. If you don't she will test you, constantly and remorselessly. Women that embrace their femininity will do this. It is their gift to us. To tell us when we live without integrity and authenticity. Because if we live without integrity we cannot be trusted, and our woman will constantly remind us of this.

So how can you find your higher truth? Find a place where you can be still, without distractions, no people coming in or out, and no phones ringing.

Close your eyes. Become aware of your breath. Breath deeply into your chest and belly. Drop all thoughts. Just be aware of your breath. Feel your breath fill yoru body. Do this for 5 mins.

Imagine you can become anything you like. Anything at all. You have just been given a blank reality cheque. You can write anything you like on this cheque. You can create any reality you want for yourself.

What do you want more than anything else? Who would you be if you could be anything you wanted? What would your gifts and skills be? What would you do? What is this picture or dream you have of yourself, the dream that makes your heart jump with joy?

Write down what this is. Print it out and put it on the fridge or other places you frequently come in contact with. Start talking to people, as if the transformation is already taking place. BY DOING THIS THE TRANSFORMATION IS TAKING PLACE. You start creating it this way. This is how manifestation works!

Make a couple of new choices in your life that takes you closer to this highest vision and dream you have of yourself. If you need training, book into a course. If you want to write a book, start writing. Whatever it is, do it now. Do it now. NOW NOW NOW! Don't wait. There is nothing to wait for.

Don't worry about what this dream is. It can be small or it can be large. It does not matter. Start dreaming, and start making new choices. And make these choices with integrity, with intention to change something in your life that currently does not serve you.

This is the beginning of becoming a superior man. A man that understands his purpose, and embraces this purpose with integrity and authenticity, changes his frequency in the world. He starts to radiate charisma as he starts to live his heart dream. People around him will start to look at him differently, men and women. A man that lives his higher truth and purpose attracts others and serves as an inspiration.

Women trust men like this. This is a man who a woman with a feminine essence can open her heart fully to and surrender into love. This is the pre-requisite for a deep divine sexual tantric union.
ok guys off topic bad... i was asking for trianing partner not to hear u guys dis another foruum.
Maybe you could compramise and get a training partner part time... For heavy days etc or just meet them when they want and if you need more workout days just go by yourself.

Also try advertise in a local paper or ask the gym where u go if u can put up a flyer. When i was at trade school the teacher there told us a story about an guy putting up adverts in a bunch of supply stores, maybe if you put an add up on the counter of a body building shop or some health food stores someone may see cause thats where they go. fitness freaks that is

not sure if any of that is practical but its a start.
I was thinking that you should put up notices too, in appropriate locations like gyms, etc.

It would also help if you included some details like your age, experience, training times available and your goals.
Then you wil be more likely to find a suitable person, rahter than just time wasters.

Good Luck.
i put ads in paper n notices in gym no one respinded said i am not good enuff to train with at the gym. i would come to comprimise but no one will train with me fiull stop.
Sometimes, to get the job done, you gotta do it yourself.
I know you've had a hard time finding someone to train with you.

How about just forgetting about trying to find a training partner for now and put all your concentration and efforts into your own training for a good 3-6 months.

When others see you are serious, dedicated and getting results, then you should attract the kind of people you are looking for.

You're reading The Secret, right?

I think the principles will work well for you here.

You will become good at what you focus on.

Good luck
i read it man its a load of shit... felt good to begin with but its principles wear off quickly in the real world.

i been concentrating on my trinaing i go at it hard as i have been since i was 19. i am serious i dunno how much more seirous i have to be for ppl to trian with me. i feel like i gotta get a gun to their head n threaten them i hav thought sabout pickin up the barbell and smashing their heeads into a vbloody pulp agianst the mirror they anger me so mucjh!