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I'm Over Squats

If we are going down the path of deadlifting for quads the trap bar deadlift shits all over straight bar.

The trap bar allows you to straighten your back and use your legs with the bar in the midline of your body.

The straight bar is always out in front of you pulling you forward making it hard for most people to get a huge amount of quad in it no matter how deep you go.
Mate my squat form is average at best. I tip forward in the hole because my upper back is weak. I wasn't having a go at you, I was honestly wondering if you've ever had any coaching. If you don't have anyone teach you the cues and tweak your form its really hard to get it right.

I didnt take it personal bro I just though u were offering good tips and a video was a great idea.
If we are going down the path of deadlifting for quads the trap bar deadlift shits all over straight bar.

The trap bar allows you to straighten your back and use your legs with the bar in the midline of your body.

The straight bar is always out in front of you pulling you forward making it hard for most people to get a huge amount of quad in it no matter how deep you go.


I'd like to add that the fundamental difference between these tow is that the BB deadlift, and to a degree, the squat locks out the back if that makes sense compared to the TBL.

But squat if you can, if you are unable to squat, these are the alternatives, but you need to also need find exercises that effectively work the hip and mid torso.

Deadlifts are good but can be hard yakka on the back, especially if heavy and more than twice a week.

Tools in the tool box

Yep, squats are just one of many tools to do the job
To say that leg presses, extensions or whatever are no good is just silly, they all have their place in the scheme of things.

Personally for me squats develop my glutes more than anything else.
The obsession over you must do this exercise or must do that exercise is beyond frustrating. Pick exercises, or variations of exercises, that 1. see you grow 2. that see you having a long lifting career (i.e. if it hurts things other than the intended muscle(s), find an alternative). Do what works for your particular body mechanics.
The obsession over you must do this exercise or must do that exercise is beyond frustrating. Pick exercises, or variations of exercises, that 1. see you grow 2. that see you having a long lifting career (i.e. if it hurts things other than the intended muscle(s), find an alternative). Do what works for your particular body mechanics.

For years I was confused.
The primary reason for exercise is for health, to improve and maintain flexibility so that when you do some activity and one limbs is pulled beyond its normal range without any risk of recieving an injury.

Recieving strength and increased mass which enables increases in strength are just by-products of productive exercise.
Just as an aside to this conversation, I have hit a wall on squats and would like tips on alternatives.

I workout at home and am yet to buy a squat rack (doing home reno's so won't be getting one soon either). Been running front squats, but have gotten to a weight where its getting dangerous trying to power clean the bar.

Any recommendations on additional barbell/dumbbell exercises i can throw into leg workout to compensate?
Just as an aside to this conversation, I have hit a wall on squats and would like tips on alternatives.

I workout at home and am yet to buy a squat rack (doing home reno's so won't be getting one soon either). Been running front squats, but have gotten to a weight where its getting dangerous trying to power clean the bar.

Any recommendations on additional barbell/dumbbell exercises i can throw into leg workout to compensate?

You could consider
High rep Dumbell squats
Walking lunges with dumbells
Farmers walk with dumbells (and up and down stairs if you have them at home)
High rep Goblet squats
Sissy squats
Trap bar deadlifts (if you haven't got one they're not that expensive)
Lunges are good but be extra careful when using heavy weight.

In fact, I would not do lunges with anything up to or over bodyweight.

Why's that mate?
Im about to start back into bodyweight only training, now 6 weeks post-op. Lunges are on my 'to-do' list, with an aim to do them with weights when i can...
Im not a fan at all of 'deficit lunges' / and or Split squats where one foot is elevated behind you... That could be what a deficit lunge is im not sure, either way l wouldn't recommend them to anyone. Normal lunges are fine either standing / walking, im doing PLP at the moment which has me doing body weight lunges in the morning and they seem to be doing the job. Coordination is a lot better now when doing weighted lunges.

Why's that mate?
Im about to start back into bodyweight only training, now 6 weeks post-op. Lunges are on my 'to-do' list, with an aim to do them with weights when i can...


Check out doing this if you're starting out again. Has you doing bw pushups, pull ups and lunges.
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Lunges are good but be extra careful when using heavy weight.

In fact, I would not do lunges with anything up to or over bodyweight.

You'd have to stick to a weight where you don't compromise form or you're not getting the benefit. Starting with BW is always a good idea as with a lot of these exercises.
Ego has no place on deficit lunges :)

Im not a fan at all of 'deficit lunges' / and or Split squats where one foot is elevated behind you... That could be what a deficit lunge is im not sure.

Your foot is on a step in front, no elevated foot behind you.
There is nothing wrong with these exercises when performed correctly. Starting with BW is good.
They're very effective.
Also good for stability as a side bonus.
Your foot is on a step in front, no elevated foot behind you.
There is nothing wrong with these exercises when performed correctly. Starting with BW is good.
They're very effective.
Also good for stability as a side bonus.

Never tried with the front foot elevated. Might give that a crack but in saying that those exercises might not be right for everyone as my flexibility screwed me over when trying to do rear leg elevated lunges.
Never tried with the front foot elevated. Might give that a crack but in saying that those exercises might not be right for everyone as my flexibility screwed me over when trying to do rear leg elevated lunges.

oh you're right...but then that's true of most exercises. squats are not actually right for everyone despite what some people like to rant about.

but luckily there is always some exercise out there that is right for each of us to do that will get the job done.

having had a few injuries, it's amazing what you discover you can do that is super effective, sometimes more so :)