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I'm Over Squats

You'd call all of those full depth? I would of said a few wouldn't pass. I can't explain it but it also looks like he is folding in half, torso not vertical enough, chest not up. Its just not a great squat.

140kg x 10 a fair few high, not exactly mind blowing at any age.
Interested in the idea that pulling down on the bar better protects the middle spine...

I find with low bar squatting that you can't pull down on the bar? The bar is just lodged in there on your rear delts...

If you've got big enough rear delts and/or good hand positioning then it should just sit on your rear delts, but you can actively engage more muscle by consciously pulling on it
It's hard to explain it words but if you grab a band quite close together, hold it overhead then lower it to your traps keeping your arms straight you will get a feel for what I mean
This is why I like squatting with my hands to the collars if I can. They give me something I can push against (though my little rear delts don't allow this at heavier weights and low bar lol)

Cool mate I'm happy to learn...

Although prolly needs a side angle to establish depth.. I did notice a couple that where questionable...

At weights under 100kg the bar drifts all over my back...

From there I find the bar just sticks to my delts...

I'll try pulling on the bar...
I got ligaments that play up from time to time that I agravated during work n footy also I had a broken knee and walked around for 6 years with out even knowing and squated heavy on it. It was never form it wasother factors. I bit bullet for too long. I deadlift still but only with a trap bar. Health is more important than provibg points by squatting
Brick, you will notice that his torso is quite short compared to his leg length, he is keepIng the bar mid line of the foot, he must do this or he wil fall over.
This is why he appears to fold in half.

Now if you watch a person with the opposite proportions the style would appear perfect, this is what pisses me off, we then think that this person is the expert in squatting.

You know brick, the person with rips proportions, although not being able to squat as well, will actually have a stronger back, and although I'm no fan of rip he has a very muscular back, he needs to, not because of his choice of exercise, but because his body requires it, the squat is a very difficult exercises for someone like rip, but he does it because he knows this.
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At weights under 100kg the bar drifts all over my back...

From there I find the bar just sticks to my delts...

I'll try pulling on the bar...

Actually in retrospect my last 8 weeks of training has not had this problem and I actually am able to lock it in...
Brick how about u post up a vid of u doing squats, so u can show us on the forum what good squat form is?
Brick how about u post up a vid of u doing squats, so u can show us on the forum what good squat form is?

Mcfly, can you please not resort to this level.

We are just having a discussion, I've explained the reason, let me know if you agree or not.
I will clarify I am not against squats at all. They are a great exercise, I just think the are very overrated for quad growth in most people. If that's what someone wants. Even leg extensions can work better.

Also my opinion is that oly style squats and even better pause squats are a better option for most people. Low bar requires much more technique, it tends to smash the wrists, elbows and shoulders with less carryover to other things.
I've had to switch from low bar to high bar squatting lately... shoulder issues... Shoulders are definitely thanking me.

I persevered...

And yes there issues with shoulders and elbows...

Have worked through them and have much healthier shoulders as a result....... Not sure though if chasing low bar was the most efficient way forward... But I am a fan...
I can think of a safer way to build some serious leg size without performing either the back squat or the front squat; deadlifts, however...

…however not your conventional deadlifts no, that doesn’t place the emphasis where we want it, on the legs, but rather on the lower back and on that “teardrop” leg muscle located next to the knee. The reason for this is due to the high position of the hips and the quarter squat position of the legs.

Ok then, how do we shift the balance and throw more, or much more emphasis on our quads and/or gluteus? Let me explain how this is achieved… I’ll start in order of less to more to much more emphasis on the quads and gluteus.

1. Clean style deadlift. Now that’s what you would see me doing, coming from an Olympic weightlifting background. With this style of deadlifting, your initial lifting position would see you more or less in a half squat position with your hips placed lower than in the conventional deadlift. This in turn would shift the focus from lower back to more of quads involvement however; still we have more room for improvement (involvement) to bring in more leg muscle fibers to carry out most of the work.

2. Snatch style deadlift. As would be obvious to you by now, our hips have gone even lower, placing us in more or less a near full squat position (but not quite yet, that’s coming in a sec). Ok then, let’s go all out and see if we can really stretch those quads and gluteus, making them fry due to some real shifting of muscle dominance here.

3. Snatch Grip Deadlifts from Deficit. I’m sure you knew this was coming right! As you can see from the above, we have progressed in lowering our hips further and further down to the point where we now have them really sinking low, due to those 2x20kg rubber plated disks we have placed underneath our feet. We have finally gotten ourselves a much stretched gluteus maximus and quadriceps muscles.

Voila, you have arrived at your final destination: pulling from a deep squat position without having to squat!

Please feel free to add to what I have shared with you. Thank you for reading.

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Hey fadi whats your opinion on old school barbell hack squats?
Brick how about u post up a vid of u doing squats, so u can show us on the forum what good squat form is?

Mate my squat form is average at best. I tip forward in the hole because my upper back is weak. I wasn't having a go at you, I was honestly wondering if you've ever had any coaching. If you don't have anyone teach you the cues and tweak your form its really hard to get it right.