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I'm Over Squats

On a side note have you seen coach rip squat? Fucking shocking form. Spose you don't need to be good at something to be a good teacher

Not recently... But I do like the way he approaches the lifts...

What about his squat form is bad?
I use to regurely do oly squats at 120 kgs for reps. I could never low bar squat it felt awfull on wrists and elbows. I know technicaly u shouldnt drop it permently but atm I dont need them. Do I need them? No!! Imnot a pro builder I just want legs that look better than the general population. Lets be honest cutler n yates won olympias only smith squating so if im gunna squat in future ill throw some snith squats in. If it was good enough for them than its good enough for us.

Along time ago I was to hard core to think n e othet way. But now im agreeing with bazza. And im not doing them for the sake of doing them. Im dropping them. My knees n lowetback love me atm and haveing that ability for two sessions a week now u will be suprised what that does to your phisique.
@Nazzy: The bar looks like it just sits in his hands rather than him consciously pulling on it to engage the upper back more

@Goosey: basically the more, and more often I squat (within reason) the bigger my legs get
They were at their biggest when I was squatting 3x week and doing sets ranging from 10-60 reps
Singles, doubles and triples even with high (8-12) sets never seemed to do much in terms if muscle growth
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I use to regurely do oly squats at 120 kgs for reps. I could never low bar squat it felt awfull on wrists and elbows. I know technicaly u shouldnt drop it permently but atm I dont need them. Do I need them? No!! Imnot a pro builder I just want legs that look better than the general population. Lets be honest cutler n yates won olympias only smith squating so if im gunna squat in future ill throw some snith squats in. If it was good enough for them than its good enough for us.

Along time ago I was to hard core to think n e othet way. But now im agreeing with bazza. And im not doing them for the sake of doing them. Im dropping them. My knees n lowetback love me atm and haveing that ability for two sessions a week now u will be suprised what that does to your phisique.

I'm not been a dick but it sounds to me like your problem might be form, have you ever gotten any coaching for your squat. Its more then a leg exercise it carries over to the uppe back and core ALOT. Your sorta ripping yourself off not doing them at all.
The bar looks like it just sits in his hands rather than him consciously pulling on it to engage the upper back more

What weight was it.. high bar technique and low bat technique are not comparable...

A loose bar shelf sounds like a recipe for disaster if the weight is heavy... There is no way the general population can hold 140kg on your hands alone..

I do.note that you prolly know more.about this then.me...
I'd like to see a vid of rip, I suspect you, brick- might be wrong here.

Its right there champ. I've seen worse but for a strength coach I reckon thats pretty fucking average. I'm not down with the tech lingo like the hamburgler but I know your heads supposed to be up.

Point is I expected Coach Rips form to be impeccable, instead its average like mine.
Neutral neck position is good (and many advocate it over always looking up)
Looking at your heels however, I wouldn't recommend lol

What I meant is that if you grip the bar tight you can pull it down onto your rear delts/ traps. Sort of like a lat Pulldown. This will engage te lats and scapula retractors which (if they are strong enough) will stop the thoracic spine rounding
If you try doing a lat Pulldown without holding onto the bar it's kinda hard

Yeah I watched it and I essentionally agree with you but your head should neither be up or down but just Ai position the creates the spines natural curvature.

It's a complex exercise that is different for everyone as everyone is built differently, move your head back, it bad for your neck, move it forward you fall forward, for fuck sake, the list goes on, just get yourself under the bar and squat.

More and more I feel the squat is suited better for minimal sets and higher reps, a lot higher reps.

No dude... Head needs to be aligned to the spine in rips method...

Head up promotes high chest in others...

Any idea how old Rip was in that vid... He just smashed out a full depth 10 repper with 140kg...

Interested to hear critiques of rips squatting...

Looks ok to me.

Interested in the idea that pulling down on the bar better protects the middle spine...

I find with low bar squatting that you can't pull down on the bar? The bar is just lodged in there on your rear delts...