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If you only could do ONE exercise for each muscle, what would that be?

yes, I would agree with Darkoz.

For example, say hamstrings, I prefer a speed movement like straight power cleans, followed by hypers. This combo really works my hamstrings, and I get the benefit of combining a speed-power movement with an isolation movement. A similar feeling is obtained from hypers following strict stepups on a reasonably high block.

If I was to a pinpoint just one exercise for hamstrings, it would be straight legged deadlifts, but I don't get any extra benefit and would need to go much heavier to get a similar benefit, a risk for injury I can do without. I have also never been sore from leg curls in my life.

Again, here I am talking about general conditioning, rather than say training for powerlifting, which of course requires exercises specific to motor pattern of sport, something I am not that interested in.
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A muscle/s that is fatigued by any exercise stimulates growth, this is just self evident truth.

For all you body knows it's being chased by a lion, and doesn't know it's on a leg curl machine, along with other exercises for the body.

If you workout for a short period it can be real intense, (picture 100m sprinter) should be.
You can't do this for a long period, I reckon 40 minutes tops, after that your ability to maintain intensity of work diminishes quick (picture marathon runner)
yes, I would probably get a similar result if did leg curls after straight cleans.

Same thing, speed movement followed by isolation.
Really you would only need to do four exercises in total.

Press, bench press, dead lift, squat, everything else is just filling in time. May be add some ab crunches.

I would say if you can dead lift, press and bench decent weight your arms will be strong.

Add some curls if you must, but not essential.

Benching and pressing takes care of triceps.

This is why..

So you still choose to ignore my initial posts on the subject even after I pointed them out to you and instead choose to take one statement out of context just to try and create an argument.

Gets a bit tiring at times as its like arguing wih a 5 year old.

No I just replied to your post. You said it. After realizing your stupid comment you have now changed your tune.
Doing curls won't give you a big deadlift

But like big dick it's a tool nothing more, nothing less.

Your a genius aren't you Who said big doing curls will give you a big dead lift??

Agree on one thing though a big dick is a great tool.
No I just replied to your post. You said it. After realizing your stupid comment you have now changed your tune.

Yet you still choose to ignore the posts on the subject even though I now even quoted them for you. It's like talking to a common house brick.
Hence them being called compound exercises....

Your opinion, I believe that the big compound lifts will cover it, anyone that can pull 500lb will have decent arms.

Mick this is the exact quote of your post. No mention of any other exercises. If other exercises are supposed to be included why not fucking say that and why only mention the deadlift.

If saying anyone that can pull 500lb will have decent arms is not what you meant why did you say exactly that.

As a general rule you say what you mean in your posts because people are not expected to go back and read the 100s of your previous posts to see if you have said something that conflicts with your most recent post.

Pulling 500lb is not a guarantee of decent arms. Which I think you agree with but for what ever reason won't admit it.
This is why I pointed out my previous posts on several occasions now and repeatedly pointed you towards them over and over. Yet you continued to ignore them for what ever reason. (I am assuming just to try and be difficult and appear clever when in reality it just makes you look simple)

If something has already been said it does not need to be repeated over and over it's there for you to read especially when it gets pointed out to you several times in case you missed it. Yet you will chose to stick your head in the sand and focus on one out of context part of several posts. This is what small children do, most people by the time they hit 11 or 12 grow out of it
I personally think dips are under rated when it comes to chest. I've introduced it in my program recently due to what others on here have been saying and my bench has definitely increased since.
I am voting with Big Mick. The big 4 are all a guy really needs.

Squats, Rows, Bench, Deads, Press

Sld, chins

The big 4 cover everything but the other 2 are nice if you want a little focus on arms, back or hammies.

A lot of the guys in your videos can't bench for shit. Had they put a little effort into benching they wouldn't look like poindexters.
We can keep adding exercises, but the main four or five lifts will cover it if done right.

Chin ups and dips would be two other greats IMO.
We can keep adding exercises, but the main four or five lifts will cover it if done right.

Chin ups and dips would be two other greats IMO.

It is a given blabber fingers.

But I think (and admin correct me if I'm wrong) the question is;

If *you* could only do one exercise for each muscle, what would that be?
It is a given blabber fingers.

But I think (and admin correct me if I'm wrong) the question is;

If *you* could only do one exercise for each muscle, what would that be?

And his response was the big 4 or 5 cover everything. I thought it was pretty clear what he meant. And when I look at the workouts of big guys they generally spend 90% of their gym time on those sorts of exercises. When I see small guys in a gym they are generelly flushing their tris and bis... or trying to attack something from a number of angles... whatever that means.