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If you only could do ONE exercise for each muscle, what would that be?

Actually I tell you what!

The hanging leg raise is probably the most effective ab strengthener out there.

If you are well built can do good slow controlled reps whereby your legs are up around your head, please take a video.
Actually I tell you what!

The hanging leg raise is probably the most effective ab strengthener out there.

If you are well built can do good slow controlled reps whereby your legs are up around your head, please take a video.

I would put my money on ab rollouts to be the most effective ab strengthener, given their ease of loading extra resistance and ability to complete the exercise under increased load.
I can't get away from chins, rows, press, bench press, squats, deads.

I would like to do something else for chest though, an arched bench sometimes irritates my lower back. A non-arched bench irritates the fuck out of my shoulders. Maybe dumbells?
Tell me, what if someone only pulls 480lb, will they have decent arms or is 500 the magic number?

Use you brain and decide for yourself, same person pulling 500lb instead of 480 would be stronger, how much bigger he will be depends on a million factors such as training style, genetics, diet, goals etc etc

Do we need to re-educate you on exercise as well big mick?

To be honest [MENTION=8428]Big Mick[/MENTION]; your answers astounded me

Even as much as I love deadlifts pulling 500lb has little correlation to the size of your arms.

Again lack of common sense and not reading my entire post and making assumptions continues. I listed a whole host of exercises required to do not just dead lifts, dead lifts is one exercise of a series of compound exercises.

Not bad arms for a guy that only does compound exercises:

Sample workout:


Partial Squats - 15 sets of singles
Behind the Neck Push Press - 10 sets of 3 reps
Bent Over Rows - 10 sets of 3 reps

Rest or abs

Front Squats - 10 sets of 3 reps
Close Grip Bench Press - 15 singles
One Arm Snatches - 12 sets of 2 reps

Rest or abs

Parallel Squats - 15 singles
Standing Military Press - 10 sets of 3 reps
Power Cleans - 15 singles
Posting that pic and sample workout doesn't really help your argument [MENTION=8428]Big Mick[/MENTION];
You and I have no idea of how he built his physique

But despite your opinion I notice in your log that you still work your arms directly.
Doesn't matter, carry on.

His workout is posted below the photo. May be he is lying about what he actually does, but everything I have read he does no direct arm work such as curls and stuff.

I have always done direct arm work, yet my arms are still smaller that the bloke in the photo, he claims to do no arm work, so may be his way is better???

On another point I have never stated I don't train arms, another random assumption with no backing I guess. Just because it can be done does not mean everyone has to do it, pretty sure every single person has build their body using a different workout, different exercises, different reps and sets and different frequency and different diet. So just because one person has done something successfully doing one thing does not mean it can't be achieved doing it another way.

It's all about using your brain and thinking about things rather than just follow the masses blindly without reason or understanding why you are doing something.
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Delts - OHP
Chest - Flat bench
Quads - Front squats
Abs - Ab wheel rollouts
Back - Deadlift
Hamstrings - Romanian deadlift
Glutes - Squat
Biceps - Preacher curl
Triceps - Dips
Lats - Seated cable row

And here we go!
Around in circles.


Mick, deads while a great exercise aren't great for arms simple as that.

The bloke in the photo has also done his share of gay porn. Are you going to copy that too.

I remember him saying he does lots of rows. That would more likely to be making his bis bigger. Rows and chins are great compound exercises for the guns.

Not that I have a problem with it but It's also a pretty safe bet that he is using a bit of vitamin S as well.

You talk about using common sense. Yep good idea. If you want your guns to grow use exercises that work them.
Mick, deads while a great exercise aren't great for arms simple as that.

Why do you just keep focusing on one exercise?? I explained it twice now, won't bother doing it a third time.

The bloke in the photo has also done his share of gay porn. Are you going to copy that too.

Don't care what he does for fun

I remember him saying he does lots of rows. That would more likely to be making his bis bigger. Rows and chins are great compound exercises for the guns.

Exactly what I said in my initial post, but not a curl in sight.

Not that I have a problem with it but It's also a pretty safe bet that he is using a bit of vitamin S as well.

He has categorically denied ever using any performance enhancers, but then again that means nothing these days, I am only going off what he has written in his blogs and books.
Big Mick are you arguing deads, which require almost no movement of the elbow joint whatsoever, are good for building arms?

Another thread that has been Big Mick'd
Big Mick are you arguing deads, which require almost no movement of the elbow joint whatsoever, are good for building arms?

Another thread that has been Big Mick'd

Doing curls won't give you a big deadlift

But like big dick it's a tool nothing more, nothing less.