don't agree with you. Should be same for all. recreation or competitive, I see no difference at all. Why should there be health issues for athletes over drugs, and not for mirror athletes, dancers, or even bouncers.
Mate health issues are the same but they are not competing, there is no benefit to testing people who take PED's for what ever personal reason that do not step into a competitive arena.
You still have not answered the one question, WHY??? What would be the benefits to anyone doing this?? How would it benefit me as a non competitor?? How would it benefit anyone at all?? Especially considering that government/gym owners/gym members would all be out of pocket for this.
What would be the benefits of drug testing me?? There is only negatives to it, it infringes on my personal space, inconveniences me, costs the gym money, costs the government money, for what?? Who would benefit from it?? There really is only negatives and no positives for it??
So if they see a bloke training hard and looking good, you want to tap him on the shoulder and ask him to piss in a cup while you stand around looking at his junk or drain blood from him?? WHY?? What will we the public gain from this??
If he competes, yes I wish we could test every single competitor, and any place getters/winners should have to be tested to ensure no cheating is going on and that winners are legit. There is no other benefits to it.
As for recreational people just choosing to take PEDs, supposedly innocent and immune from public sentiment, give it a rest. Don't give me your libertarian bs. If you don't take PEDs, no need to worry, is there.
Well there is a need to worry if I am training at my local gym and all of a sudden I get marched off to the bathroom and asked to strip down and piss in a cup while a couple of blokes watch me stand there naked from the chest down, I think I have a right to train and play sports without being hassled out by some drug tester.
So will they be lurking in local parks testing people kicking a footy around with their kids, or going for a Sunday morning run?? What about testing people that buy sporting equipment?? Will they get tested??
MAy be we have to register our home gyms, so they can knock on our door at 2am drag you out of bed to undergo a drug test.
The whole thing sounds like a good idea, but there are zero merits to it, and where will we stop.
Again WHY would you want to drug test me, a bloke in his 40's lifting some weights for 4 hours a week training for fun??