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I want to do a master's degree in sports nutrition from a distance, do you know Tech?


New member
Hello everyone, I am an athlete and I would like to broaden my knowledge, I am currently interested in specialising in Sports Nutrition. I am looking for an economical alternative that allows me to study at a distance for work reasons.

I have seen a university called Tech but I don't know anything about it, do you have any experience of studying at Tech or any other information that could be useful to me apart from what appears on their website? Thx guys!
Hola a todos, soy deportista y me gustaría ampliar mis conocimientos, actualmente estoy interesado en especializarme en Nutrición Deportiva. Busco una alternativa económica que me permita estudiar a distancia por motivos laborales.

He visto una universidad que se llama Tech pero no sé nada al respecto, ¿tienes alguna experiencia de estudiar en Tech o algún otro dato que me pueda ser útil aparte de lo que aparece en su página web? ¡Chicos THX!
Hi, I studied a master's degree in sports nutrition at TECH and I could highly recommend them. They are an excellent institution, you can check the many international recognitions they have. Feel confident to study here, you will have a very good methodology and very experienced professors.
Hello everyone, I am an athlete and I would like to broaden my knowledge, I am currently interested in specialising in Sports Nutrition. I am looking for an economical alternative that allows me to study at a distance for work reasons.

I have seen a university called Tech but I don't know anything about it, do you have any experience of studying at Tech or any other information that could be useful to me apart from what appears on their website? Thx guys!
Hi! yes, I recommend the university without a doubt, their programs are very good and it is the best option to learn online, plus you can manage your time and accommodate it to study in your free time.
Hello everyone, I am an athlete and I would like to broaden my knowledge, I am currently interested in specialising in Sports Nutrition. I am looking for an economical alternative that allows me to study at a distance for work reasons.

I have seen a university called Tech but I don't know anything about it, do you have any experience of studying at Tech or any other information that could be useful to me apart from what appears on their website? Thx guys!
Yes, I studied a Master's in Physical Education for Secondary Education at TECH on the recommendation of a medical colleague, and they indeed offer excellent courses. The professors are very knowledgeable, and the curriculum is highly specialized. I recommend the institution.
Hello everyone, I am an athlete and I would like to broaden my knowledge, I am currently interested in specialising in Sports Nutrition. I am looking for an economical alternative that allows me to study at a distance for work reasons.

I have seen a university called Tech but I don't know anything about it, do you have any experience of studying at Tech or any other information that could be useful to me apart from what appears on their website? Thx guys!
I did a specialization in pedagogy with Tech, my experience was very good. I have seen that the sports approach is interesting, it must have very good material. You should check the website.
The university's commitment to excellence in education, coupled with its innovative approach, makes it an attractive option for those seeking a master's degree in advertising. Experienced professors and practical programs provide a conducive environment for learning.
Tech has too many programs in which you can excel, you choose the one you feel better and they will always give you the best advice, they accompany you from beginning to end, regardless of the virtual mode, which I think is excellent, because I study from home, my work or even when I'm traveling with my family. I recommend it!
Hello everyone, I am an athlete and I would like to broaden my knowledge, I am currently interested in specialising in Sports Nutrition. I am looking for an economical alternative that allows me to study at a distance for work reasons.

I have seen a university called Tech but I don't know anything about it, do you have any experience of studying at Tech or any other information that could be useful to me apart from what appears on their website? Thx guys!
I have experience with TECH university as I have done some academic courses and the experience was very satisfactory because of their honesty and compliance. I know that this university has a wide academic sports catalog, so it is a great option for you to take.
Hello! I have had a very good experience with a couple of courses I have taken, the truth is that they have been very good, they have excellent content, I really recommend it, either for your knowledge in Nutrition or more.
The impact of TECH is undeniable. This is not just a passing observation; it is a testimony to the limitless potential of human ingenuity, creativity, and innovation, and a reminder of how fortunate we are to live in an era defined by the extraordinary capabilities of technology.
I did a master's degree in Tech and it's the best money invested in training I've ever made. The truth is that I am very happy with the syllabus, that it is online and with the payment facilities!!
Hello everyone, I am an athlete and I would like to broaden my knowledge, I am currently interested in specialising in Sports Nutrition. I am looking for an economical alternative that allows me to study at a distance for work reasons.

I have seen a university called Tech but I don't know anything about it, do you have any experience of studying at Tech or any other information that could be useful to me apart from what appears on their website? Thx guys!
Hi Steban, I am also an athlete, I have taken several courses in TECH, Sports Nutrition and Personal Training. In my case it has been a very good experience for me, I have been able to update and specialize in my area of work.

You can search in the Faculty of Nutrition and also in the Faculty of Sports Sciences, there are really very good trainings.

Let me know, best regards.
I know it, I have studied in TECH some programs and I recommend the university, it is very good, its methodology makes learning easier. if you have the opportunity, take advantage of it.
¡hola a todos!
Tech es una universidad muy avanzada, que brinda excelentes programas educativos con amplios campos de conocimiento, cuentan con los mejores profesores especializados en cada área, además su plataforma de estudio es muy interactiva y fácil de usar.
Hi, I am studying at Tech and I am about to finish my studies. In my case I would recommend Tech because it is virtual and I can study from my comfort, for example, my home, my work or traveling and spending quality time with my family. Besides that, they provide excellent company from a distance.