If all we know is his height, weight and bodyfat percentage, then more useful is the study
Fat-Free Mass Index in Users and Nonusers of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids.
Most of us know about BMI, which is weight / (height x height). Well, there's also a fat-free mass index, which is just your BMI taking out your bodyfat. They studied a bunch of guys who admitted to steroid use and a bunch who were clean, as well as looking back at old bodybuilders before steroids existed. What they came up with was that you can get a FFMI of at most 25.4, though possibly some of the old-time lifters managed up to 27 - but their bodyfat was just estimated from pictures, so there you go.
So they conclude that anyone with a FFMI of more than 25 is probably juicing.
Anyway, ceffo's PT is 6'2" and 105kg and 7% bodyfat.
Height 1.88m
Weight 105kg
Bodyfat 7%
Fat-free mass 97.7kg
FFMI = 27.6
So if the study is right, then either he's juicing, or he has individual genetics better than Steve Reeves, John Grimek, Reg Park and all those guys.
I don't care if someone's juicing, it's their body, they have the right to fuck it up if they want to.
Honesty is the issue. As a trainer, I am not going to tell people I have done a 250kg squat or a 2hr10' marathon, or had trained someone else to achieve those things. I'll tell people what I am my clients have done, and let the person judge based on that.
Everyone presents themselves in the best possible light, of course. I'll talk a lot about the woman I got to front squat 75kg, I won't talk so much about the woman who came for six sessions and never managed a full deep bodyweight squat. It's fair enough to talk more about your successes than your failures, but you shouldn't plain old make shit up. I'm not going to say I got either of those women to front squat 150kg.