hey derka, been keeping an eye on this thread, welcome mate.
Im curious what is your opinion on HIIT training,
say slotting it into similair timeslots as you do, instead of your flat 45min walk, i noticed you mention as for bodybuilding you wouldnt advise any faster than a certain pace.
Ive been doing HIIT 3x per week say mon,wed,fri, (consisting of either, 5 min walk warmup, 10x 10 sec sprints with 50 sec walk in between each set, 5 min cooldown/ also switch to around 50 burpees in groups of 10 with 40 sec break in between, 5 min walk warmup + cooldown)
from what ive read just to basically keep the metabolism up.
but is this going to really hinder my gains longterm,
im running around 3000cals a day 92kg 14% bf.
Have been for some time, had gains but ive plateaued out now,
I really only want to get bf down to say 12% max and gain as much as possible, dream to reach 100, but cant see it happening naturally. Been training around 5 years, 3+ years seriously lift 5 day p/w.
what would you advise?
just trying to pick your brain
appreciate any advice mate.