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How many Calories should i eat?


New member
Name: Nathan
Age: 16
Height: 170cm
Weight: 57.5kg

hey i am about average body fat and muscle definition, I go to the gym and do strength workouts once a day (have been for about 2 months).

I was just wondering if i want to maintain my body fat (Don't mind if i gain a little bit but not to much) and increase muscle how many calories should i be consuming a day?

Whats your current training like? Pick a begginer program and start eating... Protein at every meal and lots of vegies... Carbs around training time. Cottage cheese before bed.

You picked the right age to start training

Whats your current training like? Pick a begginer program and start eating... Protein at every meal and lots of vegies... Carbs around training time. Cottage cheese before bed.

You picked the right age to start training
hey at the gym i would usually bench press, incline chest press, pull-ups, lat pull down, squats, calf raises, leg extensions and the leg press.
Yeah i know 57.5kg sounds a bit weird, i have been told i look around 75kg

im 173cm at 75kg and it is a good weight.

57.5kg - 75kg could take you around a year if your eating loads.

Also, read the beginner stickies for a routine to do.
I assume at 16 you're eating whatever your parents put in front of you.
As long as you're eating pretty healthy now, just add in 2L of full cream milk a day.
The extra $3 a day for milk won't kill you financially and it's easy to get down.
You'll grow.

And that weight is pretty average for a fit but not muscular 16 yr old at your height. It's pretty much exactly where I was at the start of year 12. By the time I was 18 I was 75kg.
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I actually prepare all my own food and eat Different foods than my family, i would usually go for a piece of lean beef, chicken or turkey for tea (with vegetables). I can control what i eat pretty well. Have you got a suggestion on about how many calories i should be having a day?
As you said you put on about 17kg in year 12, Was that a combination of muscle and fat or was it all muscle?
Don't count calories. Just drink the 2l milk a day, with 3 big meals.

Something like Breakfast - 4 eggs
3 toast

Lunch - 200g chicken with 1 cup of rice + almonds + veggies
1 sandwich if you want

Dinner - MEAT + Potato or carb of some sort + Veggies

Add that to the 2L of milk a day and you should have enough calories. Probably eat more of what i said and you should gain.
Don't worry about fat/muscle ratio's or eating excessively clean, it'll only hold you back. Do what Ugly said, add in a couple litre's of whole milk a day, keep the protein up, eat your veggies, eat some carbs and watch yourself grow.

...Though I was around 60kg when I was 12. Not "Year 12".

No I put on that weight somewhere between early year 11 and half way through first year uni, so about 2 years. I didn't get any taller, so it was a combo of bone density, muscle - and a little fat. However, when you've got an extra 12kg of muscle on you, the extra 3kg of fat means nothing.

What I meant by my suggestion about your diet is that it's completely irrelevant how many actual calories you need in your diet. If your weight has been static for a while, then whatever you're eating right now is your maintenance calories, whatever the number is. The addition of extra calories is all that matters.
So keep your diet the same, and supplement with milk or a couple protein shakes a day, or the other option is to over all increase your food intake, but thats harder to keep track of.
So my suggestion is, keep eating the same but add 500 - 1000 calories a day through milk or protein shakes.

I have started having a WPI pre and post workout for just over a month now, I am consuming around 3000 calories a day (average amount of carbs,very little fat and High Protein). I think that seems to be going okay.

On the 12/02/2011 (shown on left) and the 10/03/2011 (Shown on right) i got some measurements taken at the gym they were:
Weight: 57.6cm and 58.7cm
Height: 169.5cm and 170cm
Chest: 88cm and 89cm
Abdominal: 72cm and 72cm
Glutes: 85cm and 88.5cm
Thigh: 44.5cm and 46cm
Upper arm (relaxed) : 25.5cm and 27cm
Fat and Protein are essential, Carbs are not, though they help with growth. Eat what you eat now, add a tablespoon or two of natty peanut butter and a few litres of whole milk each day. Cheap and easy.
Fat and Protein are essential, Carbs are not, though they help with growth. Eat what you eat now, add a tablespoon or two of natty peanut butter and a few litres of whole milk each day. Cheap and easy.
Ill try to add a little bit more fat, What do you think of my measurements? taken a month apart how do you think i am progressing?
You said you've been doing the strength training bit for 2 months now, is that you just first starting weight training? If so, I think you could gain more quickly than you are especially being as young as you are. Start shoveling that food in and reap the benefits of your growth spurts. It's much much harder to build muscle than it is to lose fat, so start gaining now when all your hormones are working in your favour.

Good on ya for starting early.
Ill up my calorie intake to around 3500 see how that goes, hopefully i start gaining quicker then I'll post a pic up as my avatar so you can actually see what i look like.