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How long do you train for in the gym?

3-4 times a week and 1-1.5 hours per workout.


Sticky, are you trying to figure out what the stronger guys are doing? Im assuming what they're doing now that they are strong would be different to what they did to get strong'er' in the beginning.
No not at all, I have plenty of strong guys at Ptc. They all train for well over 2 hours.

I'm just wanting to see the average strength/time of the members here.

It may make a few people think differently about their training.
Total: 478kg@82kg

Right now 4x a week at about 90mins per session I'd say. (and sometime in there just doing random stuff when I'm helping friends)
About 30-45 minutes three times a week.

Never do the big three on the same day but total would be 464kg
It may make a few people think differently about their training.

No shit when I look at Bazza's time in the gym vs his total I realise I need to lift more.

Good thread sticky getting me thinking about my training.
about 420kg @ 66kg.
I have five half hour sessions a week and three 1.5h sessions a week
Also two, hour long conditioning sessions a week
Train 60 mins Mon Wed Fri for Strength

Bench 102
Squat 140
D/L 170

weight 88 kg
age 46

Other 2 days(depends on shift) will do 50 mins of various 3x10 (usually dips and pullups) last 10mins on the bike.
They all train for well over 2 hours.

They train for that long?? Seriously??? Or they stand around and socialize for an hour and a half and train for 30 minutes???

I can not see how anyone can train weights for two hours and be taking it seriously. I can write myself off in 25 minutes and takes days to get over it...my 30-45 minutes include warm up and rest between sets, could not imagine what I would do in the gym for an hour let alone two.
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Anywhere from 2-3 hours for me.

No idea on my total at the moment, my squat pb right now is 227.5

Mick, personally it's because the recovery between sets takes me 5+ minutes at times. When you are doing high intensity sets (as in % 1RM) you need to rest. My warmup alone when done thoroughly is 30-45min.
total is in my sig...

normally between 2 and 3 hours, sometimes 4 depending on what im doing and if i fuck around hahaha
We will have a guy in tonight who will train for 4 hours.
This will include mobility work though.

He has squatted 285kg for 3sets of 3, then a set of 4, raw.

One you get to this level, do you think it's possible to get your squats done in 30-40 mins?

Then add a 20 working set bench pyramid, time adds up fast.

My sessions, if I don't stuff about take 2 hours.

Once you start handling heavy weight, you can have 60sec rest periods lol.

I see different approach and purpose to training I guess, so it's not actually training, it's a lot of resting.

I try to have minimal rest between sets and get through my planned workout in minimal time. Aiming for maximum befit from minimal time spend in the gym.

Different goals I guess, as my strength levels are not up there like some here...
I wish I could but there is no way I have time for 2+ hour sessions so I do only a couple of exercises per workout work them hard and train more often.

Like Sticky said once you start lifting heavy weight it is almost impossible to get through a workout quickly. Just warm up alone for very heavy squats or deads can easily take over 30 min.
My sessions get longer and longer but I generally average 75-90 mins at the work gym (any longer and I miss dinner!)
At home, I train until I'm fucked...1.5-2 hours
4 times a week normally
Total is ever improving, 495...all correct PL form
1.5-2 hours three times a week, includes conditioning.

Last comp. went 180/117.5/200. I'm not strong.

But I agree, the more weight you are lifting, the longer the sessions will be, simply because of the extra rest needed between sets.

Take a look at some of the 4 day Sheiko routines. These are split into 7 weekly sessions and I don't see how the PM sessions could be completed in under 1.5h