I must admit to being in the urban myth camp. I always thought that once its mixed the protein starts to degrade. Hence why I avoid the pre-mixed containers like the Aussie Bodies one linked.It's fine mate.
This is one of those urban myths that people sprout as fact because they've heard it over and over again, but people just forgot their highschool chemistry and common sense.
I know the stuff won't go off and give you cramps, but I had heard that the quality of the protein degrades once mixed so mix immediately prior to use. I keep a big container of WPC at my desk at work and a shaker then just raid the work fridge and drink their milk that's there for coffees. They just increase the volume of milk purchased when they see it going down at a faster rate...
Where's Fadi or one of the educated gurus to set a novice straight on protein degradation once mixed.
