got to love doms but i wouldnt use it as an indication of a good workout, more as an indication of conditioning... train consistently and you wont get it often.
Personally I'd consider the DOMS the anti- sign of a good workout
How do I know I've done a good workout? I've hit the goals I set for myself, I nailed my form, I walk away without injury.
If I spew, choke, pass out, break some bones and wake up in hospital, then I know I've had a good workout.
If I spew, choke, pass out, break some bones and wake up in hospital, then I know I've had a good workout.
when i die and rise from the dead 3 days later, thats when i have a good workout
Jesus must be pumpedwhen i die and rise from the dead 3 days later, thats when i have a good workout
Not at my gym Mick
Regularly hear me yelling "bar down! stop, compose yourself, set, tight.... now lift"