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How am i going?

I find that these 2 pictures are all the logical reasoning you need to move to the big compound exercises.


He he thanks peeps.

I will take it on board and see how i do, any recommendations if you have a knee playing up every now and again?

Sounds like i need to get some serious eating in order and use the powerrack (yes its pretty much always free), i'm printing off some stuff from the nutrition section.

I do try to incorporate progressive resistance. Even though these isolated excercises are a no no around here, over 6 months I have gone from half to maxxing out the weight stack on 6 or so machines.

Get a proper knee wrap from a sports store and just YouTube how to use them properly.
Posted via Mobile Device
I did see one about 3 times, he says there is no much can be done about it (he gave some excercise). It comes and goes, since going to the gym the pain has been minimal but has recently come back (probably something to do with working in a roof for 3 days, i use knee pads).

Thanks, all good info
Define playing up.
What does it do?
how does it feel?
what kind of pain is it (burning, dull, shooting etc)?
where is the pain?
what activities make it occur?
is it sore all day or intermittent?
does it hurt in the morning?
does it hurt when it is cold?
what relieves it?

Answer those for me. Just to start. And what your physio said would help, I would also look for a second opinion specifically looking for someone who is very good with knees.
Define playing up.
What does it do? Give me pain
how does it feel? Painful especially when bending knee
what kind of pain is it (burning, dull, shooting etc)? aching pain constant
where is the pain? inside under the knee cap
what activities make it occur? sometimes even walking it will come, but most of the time its if in a roof a lot or pushed hard on the leg press (why i avoid squats they can be painful)
is it sore all day or intermittent? when its sore, it goes on for a day or 2
does it hurt in the morning? if its that day
does it hurt when it is cold? don't think it makes a difference
what relieves it? a cold gel can help but time mainly (1-3 days it goes)

Answer those for me. Just to start. And what your physio said would help, I would also look for a second opinion specifically looking for someone who is very good with knees.

They gave me some excercises, like i said after joining the gym (6 months) only really had bad pain twice now, normally it would be a weekly thing.

Ok peeps I will take some advice and devised a new training plan, here you can see my old vs new plan, what you think (am not sure what some of the machines are called)?

Old Mon and Thurs: Leg press machine, leg extension machine, ab machine, back legs, shrugs, back

Old Tues and Fri: 45 deg dumbell chest, vertical press (shoulders), triceps vbar using cable, biceps bar, pull down machine, chest press machine

New Mon and Thurs: Backlegs machine, shrugs, Ab crunch machine, Bent Rows, Squats

New Tues and Fri: Biceps bar/chinups, dips, bench press/45 deg dumbells, military press

Eating: more eggs and vegies and meat, eating 4 real food meals a day and 3 WPI 35gram protein shakes
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on mon and thursday squat first!! this lift is the most important. get rid of ab machine if your going to squat heavy!!

routine are def better than your old ones!!
Oh yes i always start with largest muscle group first, i did not put them in order.

What is the reason to miss Mr ab machine?

Also what is the best way to do bent row? With dumbells or bar/seated???? etc ???
Also military press, does that weight return to ground each time or just above your shoulders?

If you don't mind my input, here's how I'd structure your routine in exercise order:

Mon: (Legs)
Squats 5x5 <-- Primary compound exercise. Work this hard.
Front Squats: 3x8 (Will work Abs for you)
Glute Bridges / Leg Presses / Hamstring Curls 3x8 (Whatever is your weakness)

Wed: (Chest)
Bench Press 5x5 <-- Primary compound exercise. Work this hard.
Military Press 3x8 (Shoulders)
Skull Crushers 3x8 (Triceps)
Dips 3x8 (maybe)

Fri: (Back)
Deadlifts 5x5 <-- Primary compound exercise. Work this hard.
Bentover Barbell Rows 3x8 (Lats)
Pull-ups 3xfailure (Lats)
Bicep Bar Curls 3x8 (maybe)
Lower back extensions (maybe)

That's all you need. Take a day out so you can get the rest your body needs to recover. Eat truckloads of good food and progressively add poundage.

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Well that was fun at the gym NOT, tried some squats (proper) did not load it (just the bar) it was harder than i thought LOL, obviously pushing 250KG on the leg press does nothing to help you squat.
Poor knee got really sore, so its light duties for a while on the legs (except i can do extensions pain free).
Well that was fun at the gym NOT, tried some squats (proper) did not load it (just the bar) it was harder than i thought LOL, obviously pushing 250KG on the leg press does nothing to help you squat.

Bingo. Leg presses do nothing for core strength.
Craze, your on the Peninsula, I have a gym in Frankston, come for a look and I'll check your form.

I already have 2 roofies training at PTC, both came to strengthen their backs, now the f u c k e r s wont leave lol
Thanks PTC, i was looking at your website, i actually work 5 minutes away from you LOL, i might have to take you up on the offer.

I actually like to work legs but this damn knee sucks.

I have no doubt doing leg press does not help as a lot of pressure on the joint, when it recovers do PROPER squats make it easier on the knee?