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How am i going?


New member
Hi everyone, 2nd post here, been looking at a good australia forum to join and this one seems to be fairly active with some good info.

I would like some advice/tips etc. First a little about me: 24, 88KG, 180CM or so. Work as electrician (can work long weeks sometimes).
For good or worse i am sorta a solid bloke (a little excess body fat but would not call myself fat).

Started training at home with light weights for 3 months/bike riding/climbing stairs/walking etc.

Joined gym now for 6 months, just renewed for another year.

I did some PT sessions as introduction and (it is there best interest to withhold as much information so they can make more money) was disapointed as they did not offer much advice, and not that i know a great deal i'm smart enough to know you need to stretch and warm up before hitting hard weight.

I had 2 trainers tell me I could achieve my goal in 3 months (don't think so).

My goal is to add muscle mass and quite happy to spend the time doing so. Lucky for me whatever i choose i get rather addicted (has been for all my previous hobbies LOL).

Although i cannot ever see myself being 100% into my diet (eg only chicken/fish/brocolli/wholemeals etc) I am commited to making a change.

Prior to the gym i lost about 7KG down to 88KG by eating less and excercise.
The first few months at the gym i did 3 days per week with some protein suppliment here and there, full body workout. (Mon/Wed/Fri) i found it was hard to push hard on the Friday (too worn out).

Currently doing 4 days (Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri)

Consisting of:
Mon: back/abs/legs/neck (whatever they are LOL)
Tues: chest/shoulders/arms

Thur and Fri repeat Mon and Tues.


Berroca in morning+multivitamins (except for weekends), 1 protein WPI.

Breakfast 1 egg on toast or sometimes B and E roll

Smoko: nothing or coffee

11AM: tuna and crackers

1PM: salmon or noodles or fish (or sometimes some rubbish)

Dinner: whatever is being cooked.

Pre workout 1 hour prior, WPI protein
After workout, WPI protein

I only drink maybe 1-3 standard drinks if that, sleep is good 7-8.5hours.

Creatine prior to workout and UPSlabs powerfull also being taken.

Any tips or pointers would be good.
I think i am doing pretty well, always trying to increase weight, aiming for 3 sets of 12 (8-12), with trying increase in weight for 1-4 reps sometimes and supersets sometimes, also doing 20 reps of lighter weights after my 3 sets until lactic buildup (burning).

Strengths are shrugs, working on 75KG a side, leg extension on the machine 111KG!, leg press coming along 225KG. Biceps 30KG bar. 45deg dumbells working on 27.5-30KG a side

Thank you all in advance, sorry for the long post
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We need to know what you starting squat, bench and deadlift were, and what they are now, and what you starting weight and current weight is.

To hazard a guess, your weight hasnt changed apart from you initial weight loss, and you done squat or deadlift.
Hi Craze,

Firstly, welcome to the forum!!

Great to see you've embraced the iron and are hitting the weights. It might be worth starting a log if you haven't done so already and start logging your programme and results.

I will comment here though and say that your diet looks light on in many aspects.

At 88kg you should be consuming about 2500cals a day to grow and at least 200gm of protein. I haven't calculated it for you but your diet is nowhere near good enough.

Breakfast: an egg on toast. (Should be about 5 eggs on two pieces of toast with some salad thrown in.)

Mornos: coffee, tuna and crackers. (Seriously? Ditch the coffeee altogether and replace with another meal. 30gm of protein and 40gm of good carbs. You might be getting the protein but those crackers are just noise. Add some more salad or veg).

Lunch: Salmon or noodles or fish or rubbish. (Yep, that meal is rubbish. Replace with a nice meal with salmon and noodles and veg and ditch the rubbish. No cakes, donuts, crap or anything processed like that. Whole foods in decent quantities)


Aim for 6 meals a day at least 30gm of protein per meail and you'll get to 180gm protein which is still too little for your body weight. Get them to 35gm per meal and you'll be at minimum requirement.

If you get your eating clean and big then you can focus on your workout. Do Markos' Beginners Programme on here until you can Bench 100kg, Squat 140kg and Deadlift 180kg. Its simple. The same exercises every workout three times a week, adding weight as you go.

Good luck with it mate.

Gday craze great to hear you are getting into it. You will never ever look back!!!

You were saying that your goal is to put on more muscle mass as well as losing a bit of the fat. This is great because what you get told on here will do both of those!! Killing two birds with one stone ect.

Although i cant speak for every personal trainer out there, what you get taught in most commercial gyms these days can be quite often a waste of money and valuble time.

Now down to the basics..like you, when i first started i was told to do a split rourine concentrating on individual muscles and issolation excercises ect. What you want to do is build your core first. We achieve this by full body compounds 3 days a week. These will include Bench Press, Squats, Deadlifts, Bent Rows, Military press and so on. These lifts work your whole body from head to toe and will thus strengthen your core.

There are huge ammounts of videos on here of these particular lifts being done with correct form. Here is a great example of a weeks workout.

workout one

close grip chin ups

workout two

military press
bent rows

You alternate between the two.

Now you might look at this and say that doesnt look hard, this isnt going to push me. Finish your first night on one of these workouts and tell me your body isnt screaming. Doing compounds or a full body workout along with a good nutritional diet is the best way to put on great muscle mass as well as lose that unwanted fat!

Now diet is by far the most important thing when it comes to training and healthy living in general. Have a look at the nutrition section of the forum and there is fantastic examples of great healthy eating plans. This will set you on your way.

Hope i have been of some help!

Diet is a bit off. Looks as though you are short of or just meeting 1gm protein per pound, and thats the minimum. Most people here advocate for 4gms of protein per kilo for gaining mass and bodyweight (in pounds) x 20 as your daily caloric intake. I'll let you do the math.
Hi, thanks for the advice, hmmm i am suprised about not getting enough protein, I estimate upto 200grams daily (3 35G serves+ whatever is in the food i eat).

I am pretty much always full and eating every few hours. I guess perhaps i am worried eating more= more fat.

Since joining the gym body weight has stayed the same, but i guess (not measured) body fat has gone down.

Example of some starting weights (PS i train alone so no bench press), leg extension machine was around 60KG now 111kg, shrugs was about 30KG now more than double.
close grip chin ups

workout two

military press
bent rows

Looking at the above, does that truely work all the muscles? I tend to use machines and some free weights and target each muscle group.

All your advice is welcome just need to process it all.

Everyone wants the big chest and arms does this achieve that or is it only for starters?
paullie is spot on!! thats what i challenged you to do...lift heavy sets of deads and squats and you will most def feel it!!! you need to build your core as a whole. to be completely blunt and honest....machines are a waste of time. you will benifit so so so much more from using compounds and free weights. I promise you this.

remember i have been converted too. i started off just like you.

The diet you showed us did not list any serving sizes so guessing is about best we could do, 200g protein is still too low anyway.

in regards to your workout, you should read the sticky post of "Beginners look here" It's got all you will need in a very simple layout. Best of luck.
same, I started the same, uneducated, now the only time I isolate is if I have an injury, otherwise I never isolate.
Isolation work is a dirty word on this forum and for good reason. Once you start these compound lifts you won't stop them. Nothing should be done in a machine as you'll have everything you need from a power rack. Your eating is very average and if you go through the nutrition section on thus forum you will learn what I'm talking about. Your lucky to stumble across this forum as your starting as many of us wasted years of training until we found the truth.
Posted via Mobile Device

aint that the truth....the only regret i have is that i didnt find this forum sooner!!!

Things that quack
Things that oink
Things that moo
Things that bruck bruck
Things that blow bubbles and make no noise... (what noises do fish make?

Things that that are colourful and grow in the ground
Things that grow on vines or trees

Stuff that comes from the mooing animal, Raw % unhomoginised.

Eat lots of the above... Lift heavy things, sleep well be happy and healthy..
Hi, thanks checking out the nutrition section and beginners.

If my body weight is the same for the last 6 months, is that an indicator I am not gaining muscle? I can only assume I am taking the slow boat as surely my body fat must be going down and muscle going up?

Hardly anyone at our gym (at least when i am there) does squats etc.
If my body weight is the same for the last 6 months, is that an indicator I am not gaining muscle? I can only assume I am taking the slow boat as surely my body fat must be going down and muscle going up?

No. With your workout nothing is happening. You have wasted 6 months. Nevermind, some of us wasted years. Learn from those that learned the hard way, follow the above suggestions.

Hardly anyone at our gym (at least when i am there) does squats etc.

Because its f u c king hard!!!!!!. Most people dont do it. Your dont want to be most people, thats why your here. Squat!
How I love to squat now....

I didn't squat for two years while I was training.. Massivly sad and depressing that I wasted that time when my dismal hormones were in peak.

Mat we'll have to do a squat session! Some 20 rep breathing squats.
Posted via Mobile Device
Hardly anyone at our gym (at least when i am there) does squats etc.
I 100% believe that! Lol it's not just your gym though it's the new world order of the muscletech broscience team that has taken over the world. I can't say it enough how lucky you are to have found this site as it will change your life. One thing thought... It's almost a complete waste of time talking to people about what you learn on this site in your gym so take advantage of the power rack being empty and make it yours!
Posted via Mobile Device
The diet you showed us did not list any serving sizes so guessing is about best we could do, 200g protein is still too low anyway.
200g protein is fine, the problem is that at 180cm and 88kg he is looking to lose weight. Forget about that, mate. Before you get a sixpack build an icebox to put it in. Just lift heavy and eat lots of good food, you will lose some of the fat and gain muscle doing that.

If your waist gets smaller and your chest gets bigger you are losing fat and gaining muscle. Otherwise you are spinning your wheels. Spinning your wheels usually comes from NOT doing progressive resistance training. You must... progress the resistance. In every session, more weight, or more reps, or more sets than you did before.

It is easiest to progress the resistance when using compound exercises. To go from 60 to 65kg squats is not a big deal, to go from 10 to 11kg curls is much harder. The more muscles involved in a movement, the easier it is to progress the resistance.

Most people in gyms use the same weights, reps and sets for all their exercises for 4-8 weeks, then they change exercises and use the same weights, reps and sets on those for another 4-8 weeks, and so on. No progression in the resistance. Most people in gyms are not engaged in progressive resistance training. They're just "working out."