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Hey Guys, Really need your help and advice



Hi All,

First I'd like to introduce myself my name is Ray and I live in melbourne im 23 and have always wanted to do bodybuilding. I have a decent natural build and am 6ft tall but it was only the last 2 months that I have seriously started looking at getting into shape and working toward the goals that have always just been a distant dream. I also love cars and bikes atm I have a 2008 mdl R1 and have had a list of cars probabley about 7-8 cars in the last few years 3 of which saw autosalon (so over that now), one to mention and my favorite was my r33 gtr made 375kw at all 4 and ran a 10.9... anyways like Markos was saying if you do get caught the expense to remove and put the parts back on just almost doesnt make it worth the hassle, now I have a bike that gives me all the thrill I need. Sorry that went a bit longer than expected now the part that I need to speak to you about.

I have started to get into shape by doing body for life which is a 12 week high
intesity workout program which I am doing with a PT, each day I strive to push maximum effort. So far im on my 7th week and the results have been outstanding which you expect as hardwork= good rewards.

My issue is in regards to Supplements and the so vast varying opinions and mindsets around them, I do understand that a supplement is just that a supplement to your exercise. When i started b4l i was told just to take a protein for the 1st month and then week 5 or so to get a creatine and a pre workout possibly and here is where it all began. Everyone I speak to has a very different view and here they are. ( Btw I started by using musashi p40 which i hated, so I tried myofusion and loved that. Now I have just bought Muscletech Creakic Hardcore as my creatine, and white flood by controlled labs as my preworkout and I also got Muscletech hydroxycut hard core I only just started the last 3 I mentioned thats why want some advice, even if it means throwing it out my health is more important than $300)

1. My PT he says only buy musashi and that all the USA stuff is crap and you dont know whats in it :S to the point where he told me that super pump has so much caffenine that it can make your kidney's fail. He says anything from pretty much anything other than Musashi stuff or a few aussie brands are all crap and will and can cause u harm.

2. The supplement shop, they say you can stack all the list mentioned above they swear that people are so happy with the muscletech creatine and the hydroxycut she said is really good with it to burn fat. Also the preworkout the said definetly superpump is good I got white flood just as I thought its better for you :s. They say all this stuff is good for you even a pro hormone is great and wont harm me? True or not who knows mind u this is at least 3 or 4 stores saying the same stuff.

3. My brother in law did body building for 2 years and he said dont waste your money on anything more than a protein and a creatine if you really want he says that the stuff that comes to AUST isnt as good as the USA as a lot of the effective substances are banned here. He said Roids works but its definetly not worth the health risk and I'm not planning on going down that path. All the other stuff is bullsh!t marketing and just eat natural food.

4. A doctor friend of mine she says you can take most of that stuff off the shelf it wont hurt you with the right amounts of course she said dont TOUCH pro horomones or anything like that as it will probabley stuff up your chances of having kids.

5. My Cousin in USA he is on Plasma jet, superpump, a protein, creatine and hes taking supremacy (epistane product I think possibly anabolic steriod) he looks great and swears by the products has no side effects or nothing and say that I should have no problem they are all good products and all his mates use them.

So here is my problem everyone says something different any help or info you could give me would be great. Hydroxy cut they want you to take 6 pills a day thats 6 coffees worth of caffine + who knows whats in there if it really ok to take? Does it even work? What would you guys recommend and whats your
experiences how can the number one selling product on the market be a useless product that doesnt work :S or how can it be bad for you and people come back for more with no side effects? Sorry for such a long post and if you have read this far I appreciate it, I know some of you on here have a great UNBIASED knowledge and experience anything you can help me with would be great. I dont care what it cost me financially to get the best product just as long as its good for me and will help increase results.

Btw I do have a well balanced diet I eat every 2-3 hours protein carbs and fats and all health option as part of b4l there pretty strict well I am on myself anyways.

I only skimmed through your post..

Put it this way, majority of the supps you can buy are like buying "Hks" spark plugs and engine ground wire kits... It may do something no oneknows but it costs a shit load...
Supp companys stay in business because the population is retarded and is always looking for a miracle cure. Car parts are no exception just look on ebay. MOD CHIP ADDS 50+ HP only 5 bucks install yourself from china!

Your PT is a moron.. Sounds like he has shares in Musashi tell him he is a ****wit for me

its simple



acetyl ctreatine



Other amino acids are effective but it all comes down to cost plus if you have a high protein intake you are taking them all in anyway..

Nothing off the shelf in this country will give you hectic superb anabolic sexandrol muscle pump like everything claims.

Supplement shops are a business trying to make money, like those idiots trying to sell electronic superchargers to people.

**** off all your big brand name supplements train eat a PROPER diet. if you need supps buy them pure and follow direcitons.

Do not consume caffeine
Deadlift squat press
Full body routines
Sleep again..

No neon lights and reflective vinyl here...
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Hey just a question is there much difference between WPI and WPC? I know what they are and a bit about them both and have read that from one of Fadi's Diets he uses WPI before training. Would it be just alright to use WPC? I was reading somewhere that people with lactose intollerence can take WPI so is that the man reason? just trying to learn a few things before I fork out money on supplements. Thanks guys!
Well protein bluntins insulin response... as with fat fiber ect..

So during training try to have carbs and specific amino acids. When they are singular they are not bound to one another in a chain so they do not have to be broken down by your digestion they are very easily absorbed because they are in the state your body wants them (seperate)..

So i prefer to buy wpc for adding to meals and the money i save i can buy bcaa's and dextrose for training.

Hope that helps.
Cheers for that infor n00bs Will have a bit more of a look into some of the sites that Shrek posted in the sticky at the top of the page and work out what I need then.
Hey Guys

Thanks for some quick replies, in regards to those links thank I read through them all. I'll definetly stop taking hydroxy cut throw out the rest of that sh!t.

Is Creakic hardcore creatine pills ok or get rid of them as well? Also should i use the white flood pre wo or no as its got caffeine in it? anyone got more suggestions of what to get as a creatine if the creakic is not good for me. If its ok then ill just take that with my protein after workouts but let me know as I really dont wanna be taking anything that is not good.
Money isnt an issue also I just want whats best for me and will give me the best results so feel free to recommend. Im on myofusion now for a protein dont know if thats any good?
ive only just come across this post but seriously mate....you have more problems than supplement intake....your PT has no idea!!! get rid of him and i dare say you will notice a difference !!
Money isnt an issue also I just want whats best for me and will give me the best results so feel free to recommend. Im on myofusion now for a protein dont know if thats any good?

Yeah Myofusion is good mate, but save your coin... once that's finished just buy Protein from Bulk nutrients.... ALso, you can get a cheap, very pure and effective Pre/during workout supp from Bioflex (bulk nutrients other company)
Hey thanks guy well threw out hydroxy cut and the creakic. I'm just going to use protein and work hard, on weight training days I may take white flood pw but only 1 scoop with should only be about 100-150mg caffeine. Not gonna use creatine not proven that it works I'll just get a recovery protein for after and eventually use my other protein as a pre workout does that sound ok?
Posted via Mobile Device
Hey just a question is there much difference between WPI and WPC?
Milk contains two proteins, whey and casein - whey and curds. But it's just a small proportion of the milk. So they begin by separating the curds and whey, the casein and whey. That is, they isolate the whey. This gets the whey percentage up to 60% or so by weight of the powder. Then they can concentrate the whey, getting it up over 85% by weight.

They also get the casein and put it in the "night-time powder", because casein is absorbed a bit more slowly than whey, the idea is to provide a slow release of protein into your body as you sleep.

Or you could just drink milk, then you get whey and casein together, plus some other stuff which is also good for you.
I8AV8 said:
I'll definetly stop taking hydroxy cut throw out the rest of that sh!t.
Good. Hydroxycut will fck you up, it's like having a zillion cups of coffee a day.

Your PT must be a sales rep for Musashi. Some gyms require that PTs push particular lines of products, see if the other PTs in the gym push Musashi, too.

The supplement shop says you need lots of supplements, what a surprise. Go to the tea shop, they'll tell you need lots of tea, Squashenegger owed all his muscles to herbal organic green tea, don't you know.

Here you go, here are some guys who built their physiques before supplements or drugs were available. They didn't even have protein powder, still less BCAAs or creatine or l-Glutamine or acetyl creatine etc etc.

So ideally you get it all from plain old food. Protein powders are useful if you're a picky eater or have a sensitive stomach and so find it physically difficult to consume enough protein from normal food. But really you should just harden up and eat proper food. If you want to get bigger, you have to eat when you're not hungry.
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Here you go, here are some guys who built their physiques before supplements or drugs were available. They didn't even have protein powder, still less BCAAs or creatine or l-Glutamine or acetyl creatine etc etc.

By acetyl creatine do you mean acetyl carnitine? Just a bit confused thats all
It doesn't matter, mate, since they're all bullsht anyway, for beginners and intermediates at least.

Start by eating good food. When you get as big and muscular as Steve Reeves, Reg Park or John Grimek, then maybe you need something extra. Until then, eat good food and lift heavy.
bras...ive been told that whey protein is the best. I do agree that musashi is hopeless and also muscle tech. I use Jack3D for my preworkout which is way better then white flood and not as much caffeine as Superpump. You suppose to take 2 cap fulls a day and as long as u dont have any other caffeine through out the day, you dont have to worry about caffeine OD, im sure office ppl have more chances mate.


You dont want any caffeine PERIOD


You dont want any caffeine PERIOD

No offence

hmmmmm no wonder yr only benching 105kg, caffeine makes u push yr self which pushing out one more rep when u say u cant, no use doing gym when you dont wanna work hard for it.
No offence

hmmmmm no wonder yr only benching 105kg, caffeine makes u push yr self which pushing out one more rep when u say u cant, no use doing gym when you dont wanna work hard for it.

Franky, I suggest you click on n00b's profile and 'view all posts'. You'll see some research he's collected and posted about caffeine, and a substantial amount of information about his personal background. Then, and only then, will you be qualified to throw around insults like in the last part of your sentence.
hmmmmm no wonder yr only benching 105kg, caffeine makes u push yr self which pushing out one more rep when u say u cant, no use doing gym when you dont wanna work hard for it.

Um is this your own conclusion or do you have evidence to support it? I know for a fact caffeine does not make you push out more reps, it may get you in the mood for exercise and slighlty increase your metabolism but it does not increase you work potential. Also he pushes 105kg with a serious medical condition (for lifters).

Protein and sugar for post workout drinks is good but you don't need it all day if you are eating enough protein anyways. If you're a vegetarian or have trouble getting your protein intake I would suggest adding some in but I doubt you are.

Listen to Kyle he has the basic right idea and if you look like steve reeves stop there because he looks better than all the bodybuilders you see these days. And fire that PT who the f goes to school to learn how to prescribe exercise and then goes and put you on a freaking body for life plan? And they sound like they are forced or paid to rep musashi which i wouldn't suprise me.
No offence

hmmmmm no wonder yr only benching 105kg, caffeine makes u push yr self which pushing out one more rep when u say u cant, no use doing gym when you dont wanna work hard for it.

Im not even going to dignify this with an argument to back my case, do what you like. Perhaps try 4 tabs of no doze before and after training.