(1) Hardgainers
1.1 What is a "hardgainer"?
1.2 Am I a hardgainer?
1.3 What is overtraining / How do I know if I am overtraining?
1.4 What kind of results/gains can a Hardgainer expect?
1.5 What costs are involved?
(2) The Hardgainer Method of training
2.1 What exercises should I do?
2.2.1 What are the basic movements?
.2 What exercises can be ignored and/or are dangerous?
2.3.1 How often should I work out?
.2 How many sets and reps are required?
2.4 What equipment is required?
2.5 What does an example Hardgainer workout look like?
2.6 What must hardgainers focus on and what can they ignore?
(3) Intensity Cycling
3.1 What is Intensity Cycling?
3.2.1 Why do athletes cycle intensity?
.2 Why MUST hardgainers cycle intensity?
3.3 How do I put a cycle together?
3.4 What happens to a cycle when I get sick?
3.5 What are the keys to a cycle?
3.6 Will I lose muscle mass and strength if I cycle my intensity?
3.7 Exercise X is gaining like a demon, but exercise Y has stopped.
Should I stop my cycle?
3.8 Specialization
(4) Squatting and the Deadlift
4.0 A word of warning.
4.1 Why do I have to use the Squat and/or the Deadlift?
4.2 How do I Squat?
4.2.1 Squats and their impact on the Gluteals
4.2.2 Squats and compression of the spine
4.2.3 Squats and the lower back
4.2.4 Squats and the knees
4.2.5 Alternatives to the Squat?
4.3 How do I do the Classic Deadlift?
.1 How do I do the Stiff Legged Deadlift?
4.4 Why are 15-20+ reps best for these exercises?
(5) Miscellaneous
5.0 HIT vs. Hardgainer
5.1 What grips are best for the exercises?
5.2 How and when should I do aerobics?
5.3 What differences apply for Women?
.1 Especially for Young Lifters
5.4 How can I get those 0.5 and 1lb plates?
5.5 How do I subscribe to HARDGAINER magazine?
.1 How do I get a copy of "Brawn"?
.2 How do I get a copy of "The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on
Weight-Training Technique"?
Date Description
---- -----------
12/13/96 Added in information on "The Insider's Tell-All Handbook
on Weight-Training Technique"
4/8/97 Grammatical Errors Fixed
4/24/97 Prices changed for Hardgainer, Brawn etc. to
1997 prices.
6/30/97 More Typographical/Grammatical Errors Fixed - Thanks to
Mark Odell!
7/17/97 Yet More Typographical/Grammatical Errors Fixed by Mark
3/11/98 Added in information from PlateMate MICROLOADS (Sec. 5.4)
and also Pullum Sports info.
4/21/98 Added small plates information from Nancy Strasser (Sec. 5.5)
Updated addresses and Phone numbers in Sec. 5.5
Added "Where can I find this FAQ" section.
11/20/98 Added Piedmont Design Associates Web site (Sec. 5.4)
11/29/99 Removed pricing information.
The authors of this FAQ have no qualifications in Sports Medicine, only
years of working out, and trying different formulas. This is the general
formula they advocate (low sets, high intensity). It is NOT a magic formula
but it does work. The advice given here is based on, and to a degree
excerpted from, that given in the book "Brawn" and the bi-monthly magazine
HARDGAINER, both created by Stuart McRobert. The technique tips are only
that: TIPS. They are not to be interpreted as guides to how to perform those
exercises, just as reminders of what aspects to focus on. Many books are
available which cover exercise technique much better.
"The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on Weight-Training Technique" by Stuart
McRobert (see Section 5.5.3) is one such book. Naturally when doing
anything described here, _caveat_emptor_ (let the buyer beware;
i.e. be careful).
This FAQ is mailed every month to the following Newsgroups:
It can also be FTP'd from rtfm.mit.edu.
On the Web the ONLY site that the authors guarantee to be up to date is:
If none of these work only then e-mail : kellyfj@cns.bu.edu
(1) Hardgainers
1.1 What is a "hardgainer"?
A Hardgainer is a genetically-typical person (if there is
such a thing). To be more specific he/she is born with
no special genetic 'gifts' which enable them to pack on muscle
mass quickly. Such people cannot gain lots of strength using VOLUME
training, but a hardgainer can make impressive gains using less
frequent workouts with considerably less volume.
Estimates of the percentage of the population who are "hardgainers"
range from 60% (Steve Holman, in his book "The Home Gym Handbook"
from Ironman Publications) to 95% (Some writers in HARDGAINER
magazine). The authors of this FAQ believe this percentage to be
at least 85%. On this percentage, maybe we should call ourselves
We grant that some people (the lucky few?) can make great gains
training 4-6 days per week using split routines and lots of hours
in the gym as the pros do. However these people are in the minority,
and hardgainers who use these routines will only overtrain,
_perhaps_ making decent gains at first, but quickly reaching a
frustrating plateau.
1.2 Am I a hardgainer?
This is a tough question. Some decisions on "hardgainer-ness" depend
on physical measurements such as wrist/ankle-size etc.
But if you find it impossible to add some poundage regularly to each
of your exercises every week or two using a "conventional/popular"
training program (one that has you training with the weights more
than three days a week), then it is highly likely that you are
As a hard gainer, your tolerance to exercise is much less than that of
an easy gainer, so what the latter can gain on will just wear you down
and out. For sure you will be much better off doing fewer exercises and
sets and training less often.
So the question of being a hardgainer is very much a side issue. The
core question is whether the "Hardgainer Method" would work better
than current "popular" methods. The answer is an emphatic YES, in
a large majority of cases; especially if you follow the guidelines
laid out below as much as you can.
1.3 What is overtraining / How do I know if I am overtraining?
Overtraining occurs when you train your body beyond its ability to
recover (its so-called recovery-ability). If your body cannot recover
from the last workout then it will be unable to adapt and unable to
Symptoms of overtraining include:
(i) A higher-than-normal resting pulse
(ii) Illnesses become more frequent and last longer than usual
(iii) Muscle spasms while resting e.g. eyelid twitch etc.
(iv) Shaky hands
(v) Loss of Sleep
(vi) Loss of appetite
(vii) Unexpected and unexplained fatigue
(viii) Unintended weight loss
(ix) very slow or non-existent gains in exercise poundages in the
gym; i.e. static poundages or poundages that are only a few pounds
more than you were using months ago. In extreme cases, overtraining
can lead to a loss of strength and the use of reduced poundages.
Solution: If you are overtraining on your current routine, then
cut back on workout-days per week, and exercises and number of
sets used. Best of all give "The Hardgainer Method" a shot for 6-8
weeks just to see what you are missing. In most cases the person
who tries this for the first time will experience a rapid gain in
strength and muscle mass, along with an increase in energy. The
method is outlined below in Section 2.
1.4 What kind of results/gains can a Hardgainer expect?
A common experience when an overtrained person switches to a hardgainer-
style workout, is for rapid gains initially (4-8 weeks). This would
mean being able to add 5-10 lbs on the 'big basic' exercises (Squat,
Deadlift, Rows, Bench Press etc.) each week, along with 2-5lb
increases on the smaller exercises such as the Arm Curl etc.
After this period the gains slow down to 1-2lbs poundage
increase each week for a further 4-8 weeks, after which the gains
stop. It is here where we apply 'intensity cycling' (see Section 3).
Basically this involves working on lighter weights (80-95% of
your best poundages) for 3-4 weeks without going to failure so as
to allow your body to recover. It also prepares your body for further
gains of 2-5lbs each week in the next cycle.
Writers for the magazine HARDGAINER (such as Stuart
McRobert) believe that an _advanced_ hardgainer can reach (and surpass)
300lbs in the bench, 400lbs in the Squat, and 500lbs in the classic
style deadlift a.k.a the bent-legged deadlift, at LEAST for single
reps. This is called the 300-400-500 level. Many of the writers for
HARDGAINER (commonly abbreviated to just HG) are much stronger than
this level, for example in 1992 Stuart McRobert deadlifted 400lbs
for 20 reps!
However, these goals are NOT unconditional: they are based upon
an advanced hardgainer, who did not start too late in life and who
has no serious structural or injury limitation, who trains diligently
and very seriously for several years.
In other words, being a hardgainer does not mean being
unable to get extraordinarily strong; it just means having to work out
in a different way to get to this level.
Since Frank started doing Hardgainer-style workouts over two years ago
here's the progress he made:
March 92 February 95
Deadlift 100x10 307x15/335x8
SL Deadlift 50x10 243x9
Shoulder Press 77x8 143x6/90x20/160x1
Pulldowns 110x8 198x8/220x3
Leg Press 260x10 400x35
Squat 100x10 209x15 (I only began to do this lift
again in the last year)
BTW, by March 92 he had already done two years of more-conventional
workouts, so he was no beginner and he had used up all of his
1.5 What costs are involved?
With the hardgainer method, there are
NO supplements you have to buy/take
NO special pieces of equipment to buy
NO gimmicks
You don't even have to subscribe to HARDGAINER magazine for
any extra 'secrets'. The program is simple!
In fact you don't have to spend ONE $. ALL you need is a barbell,
weights to put on it, and some effort (in the gym).
BUT (there's always a but) you won't get to the 300-400-500 level
in weeks or months. It will take years of hard work on the big
basic exercises with lots of cycles and small poundage increments
to your exercises to get there.
It's not easy (it takes effort in the gym, and patience);
it's not advertised with a lot of snazzy over-the-top claims like
Cybergenics[tm] is; and there are no drug-supported bodies promoting it
like there are for some other products in the field (though they don't
mention their drug use), but the hardgainer method is cheap and
very simple. It works for lots of people to get them VERY strong
and well-built without having to despair and resort to "chemical help".
(2) The Hardgainer Method of training
2.1 What exercises should I do?
The emphasis on "balance", "proportion", and "symmetry"
for the beginning bodybuilder or hardgainer almost always results
in less than satisfactory gains being made. The goal ought to
be safely building some muscle mass; then when one is able to
move some impressive weight, one can work on the sculpting
and detailing that comes from doing isolation exercises. To
build some size and strength one should work hard over a
period of years on *basic compound exercises*.
Though the basic compound exercises are certainly the
emphasis of this program, there can be additions of small-muscle
exercises like barbell curls and calf raises. Injury-preventing
exercises for the rotator cuff as well as grip work can also be
valuable, even necessary as one surpasses 200 Lbs in the Bench
Press and 300 Lbs in the deadlift for more than 10-15 reps.
2.2.1 What are the basic movements?
The basic movements are:
Bench Presses
Overhead Presses
Rows and Pull-Ups
Bar Dips
(Each exercise must be performed with good biomechanics and not on
an injured or otherwise structurally-limited body.)
Obviously, there are many variations on the above exercises;
they can and should be used for variety from cycle to cycle.
For example, one cycle could be centered on the back squat
while utilizing incline bench presses. The next cycle could be
based on the classic deadlift and use the regular bench press.
Weighted dips can substitute for close-grip bench presses, and
supinated pull-ups could substitute for biceps curls and pull-
There is no rule to have to use barbells or machines: Use what
works; i.e. it adds muscle and helps you get stronger.
Other exercises to take beyond one's limits by progressive
poundage are: Weighted Abdominal work with an emphasis on
spinal flexion instead of hip flexion, Bent-over Rows, One Arm
Dumbbell Rows, Leg Presses and Standing Calf Raises, and Medium
or Parallel Grip Pull-Downs.
If you have a movement that you like, and get results from, do
it, but do it within the hardgainer philosophy of fewer sets, fewer
exercises, and fewer workouts with intense effort and progressive
2.2.2 What movements can be ignored and why?
The following movements can be ignored for the following reasons:
EXERCISE: The Good Morning Exercise
Given the Deadlift, Stiff Legged Deadlift and hyperextension exercises,
which all hit the lower back very effectively when done safely,
this exercise can be left from your schedule because it is
hard to do and can be very strenuous on the lower back, in
a dangerous manner. With the DL and SLD, when failure
is reached it is easy to place the bar on the ground and stop the
set whereas in the 'good morning' a lot of harmful stress can
be placed on the neck and lumbar region.
EXERCISE: Rear deltoid
REASON: As Dr. Ken E. Leistner says: you can concentrate on
your rear delt when you are 220lbs of rock-hard muscle.
Before that you should concentrate on increasing your overall
deltoid size using presses, benches, and back exercises such
as the row which involve the rear deltoid in order to
bring the arm back.
EXERCISE: Pulldowns with palms facing away (as opposed to
the classic chinning grip with palms toward you).
REASON: In this grip, the biceps are placed in a weak
position where full flexion cannot be achieved; this will
translate to being able to use less weight and thus
not being able to hit the back as heavy and hard.
The traditional grip provides a more efficient and
effective method.
EXERCISE: Upright Rows
REASON: With very heavy weights this exercise can easily
hurt your shoulders and/or elbows. The shrug is a much
more effective and safer way to hit the traps.
Other exercises which can be avoided since they
are not the large compound movements suggested by
the Hardgainer method of training include chest flyes,
leg extensions, leg curls, lateral shoulder raises etc.
2.3.1 How often should I work out?
Training each lift in the all-out effort that comes at the end
of a cycle would very quickly result in overtraining for most
normalgainers if it were attempted three times a week. Training
each movement once a week while dividing all the exercises into
three separate workouts can be productive, but better still would
be to divide all movements into two separate workouts with several
days for recovery in-between. For the confirmed hardgainer, or at
the end of a heavy Deadlift or Squat cycle, working an exercise
twice in three weeks may be required for full recovery.
Muscles grow in-between workouts after being stimulated by a
specific exercise. What good does it do to perform an exercise
when not fully recovered from a previous session? Showing up in the
gym because one has become "habituated" to bodybuilding has to be
completely thrown out.
A good rule of thumb for the hardgainer is never to train while still
feeling systemically tired. Have one day completely free of
systemic fatigue before training again. While it is still possible to
have some local soreness from, say, Monday's Squat workout, you may
be systemically fine and raring to go for Friday's deadlift session.
"When in doubt do less, not more."
.2 How many sets and reps are required?
The answer to this question can vary from person to person and
certainly changes within the span of a cycle. First, if you know
that you benefit from high reps, low reps, or medium reps, use what
works, but cut your total workload per session to no more than 10
total work (heavy) sets if you use low to medium reps. Do 8 or
fewer work sets if you use high reps. All of this also depends on
how heavy (intense) the work is. The more intense the workout, the
fewer sets that can be done productively.
*When in doubt do less, not more*
There are certain exercises that seem to work best when performed
with high reps; the Squat and the Deadlift fall in this category with
hardgainers getting excellent results with 15 to 20 reps. Training
these two "giant" movements with high reps allows one safely to
correct problems with form early in a cycle that might occur, without
risking life and limb under a super-heavy bar. However, others
prefer low-rep work, not only because it can be easier to do, but
because it can be darn effective in its own right.
There is no rule on the exact number of sets and reps to use. But
try for low volume (10-30 work sets A WEEK) over a few (4-8
2.4 What equipment is required?
With just a barbell, a bench, a safety stand for squatting and
an overhead bar for pull-ups, a hardgainer can get great results.
Other equipment, like a good leg press machine or even Nautilus
equipment, can be used for compound movements as long as
progressive poundage and abbreviated routines are adhered to. At
least one noted hardgainer trains the squat with no stand at all;
he cleans and presses the bar to start, then presses it again after
completing 15-20 slow reps!
1.1 What is a "hardgainer"?
1.2 Am I a hardgainer?
1.3 What is overtraining / How do I know if I am overtraining?
1.4 What kind of results/gains can a Hardgainer expect?
1.5 What costs are involved?
(2) The Hardgainer Method of training
2.1 What exercises should I do?
2.2.1 What are the basic movements?
.2 What exercises can be ignored and/or are dangerous?
2.3.1 How often should I work out?
.2 How many sets and reps are required?
2.4 What equipment is required?
2.5 What does an example Hardgainer workout look like?
2.6 What must hardgainers focus on and what can they ignore?
(3) Intensity Cycling
3.1 What is Intensity Cycling?
3.2.1 Why do athletes cycle intensity?
.2 Why MUST hardgainers cycle intensity?
3.3 How do I put a cycle together?
3.4 What happens to a cycle when I get sick?
3.5 What are the keys to a cycle?
3.6 Will I lose muscle mass and strength if I cycle my intensity?
3.7 Exercise X is gaining like a demon, but exercise Y has stopped.
Should I stop my cycle?
3.8 Specialization
(4) Squatting and the Deadlift
4.0 A word of warning.
4.1 Why do I have to use the Squat and/or the Deadlift?
4.2 How do I Squat?
4.2.1 Squats and their impact on the Gluteals
4.2.2 Squats and compression of the spine
4.2.3 Squats and the lower back
4.2.4 Squats and the knees
4.2.5 Alternatives to the Squat?
4.3 How do I do the Classic Deadlift?
.1 How do I do the Stiff Legged Deadlift?
4.4 Why are 15-20+ reps best for these exercises?
(5) Miscellaneous
5.0 HIT vs. Hardgainer
5.1 What grips are best for the exercises?
5.2 How and when should I do aerobics?
5.3 What differences apply for Women?
.1 Especially for Young Lifters
5.4 How can I get those 0.5 and 1lb plates?
5.5 How do I subscribe to HARDGAINER magazine?
.1 How do I get a copy of "Brawn"?
.2 How do I get a copy of "The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on
Weight-Training Technique"?
Date Description
---- -----------
12/13/96 Added in information on "The Insider's Tell-All Handbook
on Weight-Training Technique"
4/8/97 Grammatical Errors Fixed
4/24/97 Prices changed for Hardgainer, Brawn etc. to
1997 prices.
6/30/97 More Typographical/Grammatical Errors Fixed - Thanks to
Mark Odell!
7/17/97 Yet More Typographical/Grammatical Errors Fixed by Mark
3/11/98 Added in information from PlateMate MICROLOADS (Sec. 5.4)
and also Pullum Sports info.
4/21/98 Added small plates information from Nancy Strasser (Sec. 5.5)
Updated addresses and Phone numbers in Sec. 5.5
Added "Where can I find this FAQ" section.
11/20/98 Added Piedmont Design Associates Web site (Sec. 5.4)
11/29/99 Removed pricing information.
The authors of this FAQ have no qualifications in Sports Medicine, only
years of working out, and trying different formulas. This is the general
formula they advocate (low sets, high intensity). It is NOT a magic formula
but it does work. The advice given here is based on, and to a degree
excerpted from, that given in the book "Brawn" and the bi-monthly magazine
HARDGAINER, both created by Stuart McRobert. The technique tips are only
that: TIPS. They are not to be interpreted as guides to how to perform those
exercises, just as reminders of what aspects to focus on. Many books are
available which cover exercise technique much better.
"The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on Weight-Training Technique" by Stuart
McRobert (see Section 5.5.3) is one such book. Naturally when doing
anything described here, _caveat_emptor_ (let the buyer beware;
i.e. be careful).
This FAQ is mailed every month to the following Newsgroups:
It can also be FTP'd from rtfm.mit.edu.
On the Web the ONLY site that the authors guarantee to be up to date is:
If none of these work only then e-mail : kellyfj@cns.bu.edu
(1) Hardgainers
1.1 What is a "hardgainer"?
A Hardgainer is a genetically-typical person (if there is
such a thing). To be more specific he/she is born with
no special genetic 'gifts' which enable them to pack on muscle
mass quickly. Such people cannot gain lots of strength using VOLUME
training, but a hardgainer can make impressive gains using less
frequent workouts with considerably less volume.
Estimates of the percentage of the population who are "hardgainers"
range from 60% (Steve Holman, in his book "The Home Gym Handbook"
from Ironman Publications) to 95% (Some writers in HARDGAINER
magazine). The authors of this FAQ believe this percentage to be
at least 85%. On this percentage, maybe we should call ourselves

We grant that some people (the lucky few?) can make great gains
training 4-6 days per week using split routines and lots of hours
in the gym as the pros do. However these people are in the minority,
and hardgainers who use these routines will only overtrain,
_perhaps_ making decent gains at first, but quickly reaching a
frustrating plateau.
1.2 Am I a hardgainer?
This is a tough question. Some decisions on "hardgainer-ness" depend
on physical measurements such as wrist/ankle-size etc.
But if you find it impossible to add some poundage regularly to each
of your exercises every week or two using a "conventional/popular"
training program (one that has you training with the weights more
than three days a week), then it is highly likely that you are
As a hard gainer, your tolerance to exercise is much less than that of
an easy gainer, so what the latter can gain on will just wear you down
and out. For sure you will be much better off doing fewer exercises and
sets and training less often.
So the question of being a hardgainer is very much a side issue. The
core question is whether the "Hardgainer Method" would work better
than current "popular" methods. The answer is an emphatic YES, in
a large majority of cases; especially if you follow the guidelines
laid out below as much as you can.
1.3 What is overtraining / How do I know if I am overtraining?
Overtraining occurs when you train your body beyond its ability to
recover (its so-called recovery-ability). If your body cannot recover
from the last workout then it will be unable to adapt and unable to
Symptoms of overtraining include:
(i) A higher-than-normal resting pulse
(ii) Illnesses become more frequent and last longer than usual
(iii) Muscle spasms while resting e.g. eyelid twitch etc.
(iv) Shaky hands
(v) Loss of Sleep
(vi) Loss of appetite
(vii) Unexpected and unexplained fatigue
(viii) Unintended weight loss
(ix) very slow or non-existent gains in exercise poundages in the
gym; i.e. static poundages or poundages that are only a few pounds
more than you were using months ago. In extreme cases, overtraining
can lead to a loss of strength and the use of reduced poundages.
Solution: If you are overtraining on your current routine, then
cut back on workout-days per week, and exercises and number of
sets used. Best of all give "The Hardgainer Method" a shot for 6-8
weeks just to see what you are missing. In most cases the person
who tries this for the first time will experience a rapid gain in
strength and muscle mass, along with an increase in energy. The
method is outlined below in Section 2.
1.4 What kind of results/gains can a Hardgainer expect?
A common experience when an overtrained person switches to a hardgainer-
style workout, is for rapid gains initially (4-8 weeks). This would
mean being able to add 5-10 lbs on the 'big basic' exercises (Squat,
Deadlift, Rows, Bench Press etc.) each week, along with 2-5lb
increases on the smaller exercises such as the Arm Curl etc.
After this period the gains slow down to 1-2lbs poundage
increase each week for a further 4-8 weeks, after which the gains
stop. It is here where we apply 'intensity cycling' (see Section 3).
Basically this involves working on lighter weights (80-95% of
your best poundages) for 3-4 weeks without going to failure so as
to allow your body to recover. It also prepares your body for further
gains of 2-5lbs each week in the next cycle.
Writers for the magazine HARDGAINER (such as Stuart
McRobert) believe that an _advanced_ hardgainer can reach (and surpass)
300lbs in the bench, 400lbs in the Squat, and 500lbs in the classic
style deadlift a.k.a the bent-legged deadlift, at LEAST for single
reps. This is called the 300-400-500 level. Many of the writers for
HARDGAINER (commonly abbreviated to just HG) are much stronger than
this level, for example in 1992 Stuart McRobert deadlifted 400lbs
for 20 reps!
However, these goals are NOT unconditional: they are based upon
an advanced hardgainer, who did not start too late in life and who
has no serious structural or injury limitation, who trains diligently
and very seriously for several years.
In other words, being a hardgainer does not mean being
unable to get extraordinarily strong; it just means having to work out
in a different way to get to this level.
Since Frank started doing Hardgainer-style workouts over two years ago
here's the progress he made:
March 92 February 95
Deadlift 100x10 307x15/335x8
SL Deadlift 50x10 243x9
Shoulder Press 77x8 143x6/90x20/160x1
Pulldowns 110x8 198x8/220x3
Leg Press 260x10 400x35
Squat 100x10 209x15 (I only began to do this lift
again in the last year)
BTW, by March 92 he had already done two years of more-conventional
workouts, so he was no beginner and he had used up all of his
1.5 What costs are involved?
With the hardgainer method, there are
NO supplements you have to buy/take
NO special pieces of equipment to buy
NO gimmicks
You don't even have to subscribe to HARDGAINER magazine for
any extra 'secrets'. The program is simple!
In fact you don't have to spend ONE $. ALL you need is a barbell,
weights to put on it, and some effort (in the gym).
BUT (there's always a but) you won't get to the 300-400-500 level
in weeks or months. It will take years of hard work on the big
basic exercises with lots of cycles and small poundage increments
to your exercises to get there.
It's not easy (it takes effort in the gym, and patience);
it's not advertised with a lot of snazzy over-the-top claims like
Cybergenics[tm] is; and there are no drug-supported bodies promoting it
like there are for some other products in the field (though they don't
mention their drug use), but the hardgainer method is cheap and
very simple. It works for lots of people to get them VERY strong
and well-built without having to despair and resort to "chemical help".
(2) The Hardgainer Method of training
2.1 What exercises should I do?
The emphasis on "balance", "proportion", and "symmetry"
for the beginning bodybuilder or hardgainer almost always results
in less than satisfactory gains being made. The goal ought to
be safely building some muscle mass; then when one is able to
move some impressive weight, one can work on the sculpting
and detailing that comes from doing isolation exercises. To
build some size and strength one should work hard over a
period of years on *basic compound exercises*.
Though the basic compound exercises are certainly the
emphasis of this program, there can be additions of small-muscle
exercises like barbell curls and calf raises. Injury-preventing
exercises for the rotator cuff as well as grip work can also be
valuable, even necessary as one surpasses 200 Lbs in the Bench
Press and 300 Lbs in the deadlift for more than 10-15 reps.
2.2.1 What are the basic movements?
The basic movements are:
Bench Presses
Overhead Presses
Rows and Pull-Ups
Bar Dips
(Each exercise must be performed with good biomechanics and not on
an injured or otherwise structurally-limited body.)
Obviously, there are many variations on the above exercises;
they can and should be used for variety from cycle to cycle.
For example, one cycle could be centered on the back squat
while utilizing incline bench presses. The next cycle could be
based on the classic deadlift and use the regular bench press.
Weighted dips can substitute for close-grip bench presses, and
supinated pull-ups could substitute for biceps curls and pull-
There is no rule to have to use barbells or machines: Use what
works; i.e. it adds muscle and helps you get stronger.
Other exercises to take beyond one's limits by progressive
poundage are: Weighted Abdominal work with an emphasis on
spinal flexion instead of hip flexion, Bent-over Rows, One Arm
Dumbbell Rows, Leg Presses and Standing Calf Raises, and Medium
or Parallel Grip Pull-Downs.
If you have a movement that you like, and get results from, do
it, but do it within the hardgainer philosophy of fewer sets, fewer
exercises, and fewer workouts with intense effort and progressive
2.2.2 What movements can be ignored and why?
The following movements can be ignored for the following reasons:
EXERCISE: The Good Morning Exercise
Given the Deadlift, Stiff Legged Deadlift and hyperextension exercises,
which all hit the lower back very effectively when done safely,
this exercise can be left from your schedule because it is
hard to do and can be very strenuous on the lower back, in
a dangerous manner. With the DL and SLD, when failure
is reached it is easy to place the bar on the ground and stop the
set whereas in the 'good morning' a lot of harmful stress can
be placed on the neck and lumbar region.
EXERCISE: Rear deltoid
REASON: As Dr. Ken E. Leistner says: you can concentrate on
your rear delt when you are 220lbs of rock-hard muscle.
Before that you should concentrate on increasing your overall
deltoid size using presses, benches, and back exercises such
as the row which involve the rear deltoid in order to
bring the arm back.
EXERCISE: Pulldowns with palms facing away (as opposed to
the classic chinning grip with palms toward you).
REASON: In this grip, the biceps are placed in a weak
position where full flexion cannot be achieved; this will
translate to being able to use less weight and thus
not being able to hit the back as heavy and hard.
The traditional grip provides a more efficient and
effective method.
EXERCISE: Upright Rows
REASON: With very heavy weights this exercise can easily
hurt your shoulders and/or elbows. The shrug is a much
more effective and safer way to hit the traps.
Other exercises which can be avoided since they
are not the large compound movements suggested by
the Hardgainer method of training include chest flyes,
leg extensions, leg curls, lateral shoulder raises etc.
2.3.1 How often should I work out?
Training each lift in the all-out effort that comes at the end
of a cycle would very quickly result in overtraining for most
normalgainers if it were attempted three times a week. Training
each movement once a week while dividing all the exercises into
three separate workouts can be productive, but better still would
be to divide all movements into two separate workouts with several
days for recovery in-between. For the confirmed hardgainer, or at
the end of a heavy Deadlift or Squat cycle, working an exercise
twice in three weeks may be required for full recovery.
Muscles grow in-between workouts after being stimulated by a
specific exercise. What good does it do to perform an exercise
when not fully recovered from a previous session? Showing up in the
gym because one has become "habituated" to bodybuilding has to be
completely thrown out.
A good rule of thumb for the hardgainer is never to train while still
feeling systemically tired. Have one day completely free of
systemic fatigue before training again. While it is still possible to
have some local soreness from, say, Monday's Squat workout, you may
be systemically fine and raring to go for Friday's deadlift session.
"When in doubt do less, not more."
.2 How many sets and reps are required?
The answer to this question can vary from person to person and
certainly changes within the span of a cycle. First, if you know
that you benefit from high reps, low reps, or medium reps, use what
works, but cut your total workload per session to no more than 10
total work (heavy) sets if you use low to medium reps. Do 8 or
fewer work sets if you use high reps. All of this also depends on
how heavy (intense) the work is. The more intense the workout, the
fewer sets that can be done productively.
*When in doubt do less, not more*
There are certain exercises that seem to work best when performed
with high reps; the Squat and the Deadlift fall in this category with
hardgainers getting excellent results with 15 to 20 reps. Training
these two "giant" movements with high reps allows one safely to
correct problems with form early in a cycle that might occur, without
risking life and limb under a super-heavy bar. However, others
prefer low-rep work, not only because it can be easier to do, but
because it can be darn effective in its own right.
There is no rule on the exact number of sets and reps to use. But
try for low volume (10-30 work sets A WEEK) over a few (4-8
2.4 What equipment is required?
With just a barbell, a bench, a safety stand for squatting and
an overhead bar for pull-ups, a hardgainer can get great results.
Other equipment, like a good leg press machine or even Nautilus
equipment, can be used for compound movements as long as
progressive poundage and abbreviated routines are adhered to. At
least one noted hardgainer trains the squat with no stand at all;
he cleans and presses the bar to start, then presses it again after
completing 15-20 slow reps!