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Great chest exercise

i have found (in my admittedly limited experience with fly's) that the top 1/4 of the motion doesn't really do much, adding the bands (which i loop around the bottom of the rack 1 a side) keeps a relatively constant tension throughout

in the end it is like doing this but bands instead of cables, and add DBs so there is some resistance at the bottom of the movement
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i have found (in my admittedly limited experience with fly's) that the top 1/4 of the motion doesn't really do much, adding the bands (which i loop around the bottom of the rack 1 a side) keeps a relatively constant tension throughout

Why not just use cable Flys if it's tension u are after?
i have found (in my admittedly limited experience with fly's) that the top 1/4 of the motion doesn't really do much, adding the bands (which i loop around the bottom of the rack 1 a side) keeps a relatively constant tension throughout

in the end it is like doing this but bands instead of cables, and add DBs so there is some resistance at the bottom of the movement

You're right, but if you haven't got bands, it's best to stop just-short of that 1/4 as mentioned to maintain tension, with your arms almost straight, as you move back down you bend your arms so the moment arm remains constant.

With cables, I reckon standing is a much better option than lying down.
At the top of the movement with this exercise your hands should cross-over for maximum pec-toral contraction, (pause and squeeze) for maximum burn and hurt.
Graeme only uses exercises that have a band or a box or chains or a special bar
I did it Oni. Shoulder's didn't explode but didn't seem like that much pec activation compared to the regular DB bench I did. (It was heavier though). But there was too many weird clunking feelings going on so I think I'll pass.
I did it Oni. Shoulder's didn't explode but didn't seem like that much pec activation compared to the regular DB bench I did. (It was heavier though). But there was too many weird clunking feelings going on so I think I'll pass.

U have been trolled lol
I did it Oni. Shoulder's didn't explode but didn't seem like that much pec activation compared to the regular DB bench I did. (It was heavier though). But there was too many weird clunking feelings going on so I think I'll pass.

Yeah, I know those feels
I get them with flies and regular DB bench
I find this interesting, as I always fail coming off the chest. If I can get it off my chest, I can lock it out. I always assumed the chest was the 'most challenged' part in the bench press.

After doing dumbell rows today I'm not sure though! They felt super light after my smolov jr cycle. Maybe the lats really do get the bar off the chest on bench.

(my chest is hardly outstanding, but then ive never seen a person who can bench 1.5xbodyweight and has a small chest)

If your a thinish guy who benches narrowish then yes the lats do more than stabilize. Putting it differently the lats get used IF when at the bottom position your elbows are behind your body, your lats will help to drive your elbows forward. It is similar to the lat activation when doing deep dips. This is what i find anyways, being a skinny bugger, with a narrow bench.