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Gluten free?

you can find gluten free oats at health food and organic shops mostly.

they are usually labelled as "uncontaminated"

I am generally GF as a result of a fructose/fructan intolerance. Although oats, corn, rice and quinoa should be OK, I still find they mess me up except in small quantities.

i don't usually bother with GF flour mixes and packaged GF stuff as it's usually nutritionally vacant and the not healthy and tastes rubbish (ie GF does not equate to healthy, it just means there is no gluten).

I make my own protein breads that are all GF. They are awesome.

Ditto all my bars, cookies, etc that I make for myself.

Some recipes on my site (check sig).

Lots of GF recipes out there. Get cooking.

Exactly!!! Most of its soy which is eww potato flour or corn flour. Gluten free processed food is as bad as all processed food. Loaded up with high corn fructose cyrup and maltodextrin ect prob a bit more to bland to mask the Taist ...good recipes btw

LOL don't forget the appetising flavour of tapioca starch

thanks ... hopefully you'll find some of them helpful. that's what it's all about!

Yeah I've tried a few different gastros all the ****s seem to do is get you to try different drugs like a fucking process of elimination. I'll mention it when I see him in Feb. Thanks

Yep same experience here. Before I knew what I could and couldn't eat the gastro would just say try this shit and the dermo would pretty much pick a cream or lotion out of a big tub and say have a crack with this one, then totally ass rape my wallet for the 3 minute experience

My bro is unlucky he's got colites fructose intolerance, lactose intolerance and and gluten really Messes Him up too I really feel for colites suffers he's had blood transfusions for low iron but he's got a good doc now and does t get as much flare ups these days.

IBS myself, but i know your condition because im a nutritionist.
Mines just intolerance to wheat, bakers yeast, and a heap of other stuff like celery. What'd weird is fresh tomato is a bad thing for me but canned tomato is fine, bakers yeast is bad but brewers yeast is ok ,so some weird varieties of allergies.
Christian what is your take on people growing out of food allergies and intolerances?
My son has had some bad reactions from certain foods but when he was tested (tested annually) he shows no response to the culprit foods. The allergist thinks there is much more to it, especially with fruit as noone really has any idea what had been used or sprayed on the stuff at any stage and suggests to even be careful with fruit and veg.
I'm pretty convinced that one can get rid of food intolerances and that, at least in some instances, they are the result of over exposure (as some allergies can be).

not all, but some. I had an overexposure to a diet high in fructose/fructans for decades and eventually it took its toll. no one else in my family has it, no other connections, nothing. After a couple of years of being careful, it still hits me but I know my tolerance to some foods has increased. Could take years to reverse or calm down, who knows?

True allergies and IBS/food intolerances/gluten sensitivity and coeliac/HFI etc are all different beasts, even when some of the symptoms are similar.

none of them are much fun though, are they

Scientifically there is Buckley's at this stage, for example iGG antibodies, in ibs for example they can be present or not. However if they are removing those foods can help a little but not fix. However like i said in others with IBS there is nothing present.

True allergies arnt usually outgrown, the life threatening kind anyway. Kids can outgrow egg allergies though, my sister has.

I dont have much to tell you besides avoidance at this stage especially if they cant pinpoint exactly what the allergy is to.

What is he allergic to?
He is allergic to all nuts, soy, and a few minor things.
Funny you say that about the egg, he was seriously allergic to it when a little tacker, then the allergist suggested an egg challenge, this was done in hospital with required meds at hand and now he is ok with small amounts of it cooked in to things like cakes which is exactly the same as me, I could never eat an egg on its own, raw or cooked but one cooked into a gluten free cake is bearable.

is he also allergic to peanuts or just tree nuts? I know that with kids, unless there is a chance of anaphylaxis, they can do a treatment with challenges, supervised and it often works like the egg one.
Nah chilli, he is the same as me with nuts, the allergist said his response is way too high to them and to stay well away, which is easy, and he is really good at asking what he can and can't eat when we are out. His response to egg was high but apparently small and frequent doses after the egg challenge are a good way to build up a resistance to small amounts. As for the nuts, cashews and peanuts came up the worst but the rest they tested for were still bad.

In that case, yep, avoid. You need cake recipe that is egg, nut and wheat free. I have an egg, dairy and nut free one which is awesome but if you are both ok with dairy, I might do an egg, nut and gluten free one. The other one I have also works with gluten free flour.

I don't have an allergy to nuts but

a) food intol means I avoid pistachios and cashews and limit almonds and hazelnuts

b) I'm severely allergic to mould so avoid buying nuts in the shell most times.

Just found out that half the foods I was told to avoid for fructose/fructan malabsorption are now OK and some that were ok actually contain fructans Might explain the random attacks I've had whilst thinking I was doing everything right.

But on the upside, at least it's all now being measured and tested rather that self-reported studies on anecdotal stuff.

If anyone has IBS and wants a handy app for FODMAPs, the Monash Uni one is fantastic (they have the equipment and do the measuring).

They also have a book but the app is fantastic.

Low FODMAP iPhone app
Cheers chilli, I think I have seen that one on your website, plus the ones for the muffins. The little man is lucky, he can eat wheat, so he doesn't miss out with cake st his friends b'day parties and stuff whereas before the egg challenge pretty much all cake was out, including some ice cream cake that has egg.