What I don't get is why all the hate to the white man?
Been to any major cities recently......there's a reason we are called multicultural, fwaarkin hell, multi cultural alright. I hadn't been to Sydney in 10yrs, frig me, not many white people down there so why all the white haters?
And its not just Aborigionals, at least they have a reason, but seemed to me as though I was the odd one out for sure, and definitely made to feel that way. I felt ashamed that this is what we have all let this country come to. When I went to the city most didn't even speak Australian, I was a bit shocked as I never found it that way in Brisbane when I lived there, everyone spoke the same just different colors. Makes a bloke wonder if some want to be Aussies or not don't it.
EDIT: I guess I am looking at things the wrong way.......I just asked myself a question and had a little ponder
What is it that makes an Aussie an Aussie.......Shit, lots of things.......And I guess one would be, being a new Aussie who is now free and no longer under the hammer of some oppressive government, free to live how they want, whether its a 'traditional' Aussie life, or to be an African in Australia living like a free African for example, or whoever, guess I just have to accept that we are changing faster than I can keep up.