Big Mick
"2014 - Kunce of the year"
Honestly I think you're looking at the wrong thing
Curls or triceps
Dips or not
Who gives a fuck
You're doing 5/3/1, ok. One set leaving a rep in the tank once a week? That's why you're fat and weak man, no work ethic or impulse control
If you want a minimalist, no fuck around workout that will actually drive progress and make you not so much of a fat slob because you're actually exercising then do something like this:
Squat, 5x10 followed by 5x5 paused
RDL, 5x20
Close grip bench, 5x10, last set rest paused
Dips, 10 sets with body weight
Deadlift, 5x10, deficit 5x5
Rows: 10x10
Press, 5x10, ramp up to heavy triple
Dips, 10 sets
Pull-ups done every day for 5 sets
Again I think you are missing the point of what I am trying to achieve, I train by myself for myself, not for comps or to lift more than the next guy, I train for general health and well being, avoiding injury and making slow progressions, maintaining muscle mass and generally adding to my general well being, not to break and records and stress myself.