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Food pyramid

Mick, it could be that you feel better and do better without wheat. A lot of people do.
Could be dozens of reasons for that (eg I have fructan intolerance which cuts out many grains from my diet).

If it's working for you, stick with it.

Best advice is always to listen to your own bod.

Probably the best post of he whole thread.
I would like to also reccomend another good book if you want to know how our insides work and what to put into it so it dosent tax the system.
It's called fit for life by the diamond family.(do not underestimate this book and its relevance I had in for around 10 yeards before I read and trialed it unfortunatly I am a hard gainer or better yet a drovers dog)
In round 1928(Don't quote me for this) a doctor found that incorrect food combining was the problem with turning a digestion process of 2-3 hours into 6-8 or oven ten hours and costing a lot of energy to process.
I have tested this I work underground and my deputy(boss of the section) was a 6ft 7"kiwi nicknamed bear his name bazz he dropped around 20 kg's with no excercise and said he felt better than he had in a long time I lent him the book and after a year he decided to read it.
My point is that something so old has great relevance what we think we know and what society is telling us are two very different thing.
The most taxing process on our systerm is digestion.(if incorrect food is combined, I could go into detail only I have found that it is one's duty to be healthy and learn.)
The relevance of this post is that we are taught to throw as much in as we can from the tv reality shows.Btw the hardest thing for us too proces is PROTEIN.
Meat is a big player in being healthy.
So are vegetables.
I understand what bazza20 is saying about grain especially for dairy cows my experience
I am third generation farmer my 2nd oldest brother was a dairy worker for 15 years.
The relevance of cows eating grass is that where do you think protein comes from plant based Unless your talking eggs brother and then unless they are free range then the omega a's are non existent and what eats the plants/grass grains.
I have dug deep being an ex coach and reasearchin on nutrition and have still lots too learn although the basics are We have the same make up you can't trick mother nature.
There is no better meat than a killer who's been on good grass and dosent know the bullet is coming.
You should actually find out what blood type you are as that has great relevance as too what foods are best assimilated by you.
Food for thought.
I will simply try and shed light if it is too much then I will swtich off.

Mbye pm for those questions that was the thread would be easier for people to read from start to finish.
Just a thought.


Bazza20 my dad was born in tenterfield.
He was a good man.
with a name like bazza how long have you or your clan been in Australia?


feel free to pm me as I stated that was the food discussion can flow and not be retarded in its development.

