Sounds like you don't want to be doing them, so don't.
I can give you reason as to why, but in all honesty, I don't think you are to interested in hear them
I would be interested to know why
Sounds like you don't want to be doing them, so don't.
I can give you reason as to why, but in all honesty, I don't think you are to interested in hear them
High reps for toning...
I would be interested to know why
I can't help but feel that you are taking the piss...
High rep Olympic lifts are a necessary evil if you are a kipfittian and a waste of time if you are not.
High Road, if you disagree I can roll off enough big names to support my argument you make you run home to your mum crying
Among those that agree with me (and I have spoken to them ALL in person)
Rob Forte
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet
all 4 of the USA crossfithq powerlifting seminar presenters (Gracie Vannasse, AJ Roberts, Laura Phelps, Shane Sweatt)
Samantha Briggs' (2013 womens open winner) coach (Sweatt)
+ a dozen or so box owners I spoke to whilst working at Iron Edge
Sounds like you don't want to be doing them, so don't.
I can give you reason as to why, but in all honesty, I don't think you are to interested in hear them
Among those that agree with me (and I have spoken to them ALL in person)
Rob Forte
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet
all 4 of the USA crossfithq powerlifting seminar presenters (Gracie Vannasse, AJ Roberts, Laura Phelps, Shane Sweatt)
Samantha Briggs' (2013 womens open winner) coach (Sweatt)
+ a dozen or so box owners I spoke to whilst working at Iron Edge
Anything I have to say on the matter will be eaten up by trolls and Ausbb elite
Push a prowler or something
maybe you would get more meaningful responses if you engaged in discussion when people disagree with you instead of acting like its a personal attack on you and sprouting pointless butthurt crap like above.
People gave detailed responses about why they didnt believe high rep oly lifting was appropriate for most, your response was "if you dont like it don't do it. I could tell you why its good but id rather cry into my weetbix"
Don't you make me cry too, hamburgler has already done that once today. Mmm, love the weetbix, mum makes them for me when I run back to her after people name drop on the Internet.
Lets just assume for minute that when we all say high rep we are talking about greater than 10-15 reps without taking ones hands off the bar for a rest, yeah?
Are you against high rep dumbbell/kettlebells clean and jerks, snatches? If no, what's the difference with a barbell at the appropriate weight? If yes, why?
I look forward to your reply, maybe post up some of the detailed responses people posted too![]()
I am far from qualified to provide meaningful comment, which is why I was disappointed when you derailed the otherwise good discussion that was going on as I was enjoying the meaningful back and forth.
For what its worth though, my opinion is that any technical movement, regardless of chosen equipment, is a poor choice if you are doing it for conditioning simply because there are equally effective options available that do not require the same level of proficiency and/or ability to maintain correct form in a fatigued state to avoid injury.
As for others responses, read back over the thread.