Ghosts... Mocha.. what?
With regards to you Alpha, heavy stuff - but actually being open about it is pretty much the biggest step you can take. It is worse when kept within. Depression needs to be taken seriously, but I am with Big Mick on the "holy shit, you've been to Europe 4 times and I'm yet to leave Australia"
I think you're well traveled, and this might have been a disservice to you (not saying that travel is bad, I desire to do much of the same - but I have seen it in my friends and brother, that you're on cloud 9 after travel - your eyes have been opened, and coming back to "reality" and a 9-5 is no where near as exciting). My brother is just coming to terms with being back in shitty Melbourne).
You're 22, shit man, enjoy these years. I am not that far ahead (27 this month) but shit i'd like to rewind just a little bit with the knowledge I have now.)
If it is travel you want to do, pull yourself together save the cash and go for it. Myself and a myriad of mates either went a few paths
1) Some worked their ass off, didn't leave the country, got themselves 2 mortgages with the picket fence.. yada yada, but I guess they're happy
2) Others could not even stand wasting their twenties on this and jet setted for years (some 4-5 at a time) while working and traveling.
3) Some did a bit of column a and b.
I think you're "nothing to look forward to" is the work of idle hands. Idle hands are work of the devil. You have too much time to analyze. Time much time to think. Sometimes you over think, worrying about the future (something that hasn't even occurred) while missing where you are right now. You don't need to know what you want to do or where you want to be 100%, you just need to do it. Keep moving. Sure, you can a plan and have visions, but shit, they will change. Analysis paralysis can induce a depressive state, where you feel like you're running on the spot and have nothing.
If you get hold of the latest episode of the simpsons, watch it. I am sure you can relate as many others will. It tells a good story where Bart is tired of life and wants to be on permanent vacaction (it is the cartoon which keeps on giving!). We're all in the same boat, ultimately we will return to the dirt all of our material possessions will count for absolutely shit. We must enjoy the moments - laugh, take photos and create memories because they are what you will reflect on in your quieter moments down the track.
But at 22 you're only a 1/4 of the way through this one life you have right now. We far too often preoccupy our thoughts with money which ebbs and flows throughout life. The true currency of life is time. It cannot be bought, slowed or stopped - only wasted. Use it wisely!