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Essendon FC investigated over supplements

i dont think they have, they probably followed their protocols.

i think the impression moreso stems from the media who is known for their half telling of stories

Well in my opinion they have.

If they had any decent evidence they would have banned people by now.

If they don't have the evidence, shut up until you do.

Just my opinion.
i dont think they have, they probably followed their protocols.

i think the impression moreso stems from the media who is known for their half telling of stories
ASADA came out like big blow hards with that initial media conference with the Heads of the Football codes. Saying they have the Feds on board with phone taps and its "just a matter of time before we come knocking on your door so fess up now".

The media has run with it, and run fuckin hard too!
Let em all juice up and peptide..I pay money to see sport I want to see a crazy game every week lol
Danks come out this morning and said Mannah was taking peptides. I wonder if they did contribute to his cancer coming back and/or spreading. He was in remission by that point....
Makes you think, doesn't it!?!
I wonder where that stands???

Some one has neglected there duty of care weather it be club doctor the club in general or dank. I can see law suites opening up soon. The death linked to peptides has really rocked the boat you feel. Melbourne won't feel the boat rocking but in nrl homeland (-nsw) you can just feel the calm before the storm brewing. I don't know why dank is coming out saying he was on peptides knowing very well he administrated them to him. He needs to bite hes tounge and not put his foot in it.
Danky Dank is pretty cluey Marty. He wouldn't be putting foot in mouth with Law Suits pending.

Dank would know how dangerous growth accelerates like Peptides are for cancerous growths. Don't you first have to be an M.D. to become a sports scientist.

This is what I think. He must be fairly smart or extremely lucky as they haven't been able to pin anything on him yet and they are trying very hard.

No one is untouchable. Even mr perfect lance Armstrong learnt the hard way about drugs and sport. By the sounds of things dank was pushing the limits not to benefit the clubs and there quest for premierships but for he's own credibility and recognition. I agree hes very well spoken and speaks in riddles weather that's hes own intelligence or he's lawyers words it will bite him the more beans he keeps spilling.
If he operated through some sorta shelf company / trust structure that his lawyer set up and all the "drugs" came through that, then he is for all intents and purposes clean if he's not named anywhere on it.

Entirely speculation of course.

I think the media is blowing it more out of proportion than it actually is.
even if he set up a Company through which to operate he is still answerable to bodies like the AMA, if he is in fact an MD or the AMA oversees Sports Scientists.
This is what I think. He must be fairly smart or extremely lucky as they haven't been able to pin anything on him yet and they are trying very hard.

I think he's both. I know dank pretty well and think he's a good guy. This shit with Mannah will change a few things though IMO.