Gees I am a bit worked up now, so apologies if this comes across as rash.
After speaking with Adrian today we agreed on a couple things that I should try before we think about replacing parts.
1). Try rotating the bar between the uprights in case its ends were not flat and were consequently pulling the uprights out of alignment.
2). Put washers under the large upright to tilt it back towards straight.
I tried number one first off but that did not do the trick
For number two Adrian was sending me some washers (along with some touch up paint for the exposed metal parts). Instead of waiting I decided to have a look around the house to see if I could find any spare ones. Luckily I found something that turned out to do the job perfectly. Once I put them under the front of the large upright it finally measured straight and I was able to get the safety bar in. Finally I thought... things are working out. After doing up all the main bolts on the uprights everything still measured straight and the safety bar still sat perfectly. So it came time to attach the weight holder bar. It's a bit of a tight fit, but with a bit of maneuvering it went in just fine. Now the last bolt I had to tighten was going in fine, I wasn't even approaching tight yet when there was a god awful bang and I was ducking for cover like a pussy. Turns out the friggen bolt had broken in half.

So now there is a broken part still in the upright and I'm a bit stumped as to what I should do from here?? I possibly should have bought the other pro rack or I just have stupidly bad luck
Here are some pictures to tell the story.
Here is a pic of the washers under the main upright that corrected the fault that was causing it to lean forward.
Here is a pic that shows that the washers did their job and the safety bar was able to go in properly this time.
(this is my wife's hand, no I do not wear nail polish) - Here is a pic showing the broken bolt
Another pic of the broken bolt
Here is a pic showing that the bolt was not near tight yet when it broke.
A pic showing inside the upright where the broken bolt is stuck.
Where to from here?
I sort of feel like I want to exchange this cursed rack from another one
I still haven't been able to have my first work out on the kit yet