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Elephant in the room/emperors new clothes

What's funny is that he trains at Muscle Pit, which is predominantly CAPO.

Also LOL at Nathan Jones lifts down the bottom.

Couldn't never have imagined him pulling less than 300 or benching less than 180
Mp is capo but vonfram trains at home. Hes dropped into ptc once or twice, seems like a decent enough bloke. He isnt mcmannus.

Sick of politics between feds. Just have 1 fed worldwide. Give 1st prize to the person who lifted the most with negative test result, another 1st prize to person who lifted the most out of those with a positive test result, and 1st to those with and without equipment etc.

Go to world championships and theres like 5 people in your age / weight class :(
Von, you seem to post a lot about the "public", an what they "expect".

I think what you are doing here is pushing your own ignorant views.

How do you know what the public want? I think spectator/competitor numbers is the best indicator mate..... And I can tell you GPC does pretty well on that front.

I'll say this first and foremost, I do not condone the abuse of prescribed medications for sporting advantages.

You brought up the cost. Do you know how much it costs to test? And do you also know the annual turnover of PA compared to GPC or CAPO?
What about how much funding PA get from the government for testing? I can tell you GPC and CAPO get zero, and will need get any.

I think you need to educate yourself further before posting rants again.

where's GPCs?
Von, you seem to post a lot about the "public", an what they "expect".

I think what you are doing here is pushing your own ignorant views.

How do you know what the public want? I think spectator/competitor numbers is the best indicator mate..... And I can tell you GPC does pretty well on that front.

I'll say this first and foremost, I do not condone the abuse of prescribed medications for sporting advantages.

You brought up the cost. Do you know how much it costs to test? And do you also know the annual turnover of PA compared to GPC or CAPO?
What about how much funding PA get from the government for testing? I can tell you GPC and CAPO get zero, and will need get any.

I think you need to educate yourself further before posting rants again.

Why are my suggestions "rants". I cannot find an instance in this discourse where I have taken a moral stance nor passed judgement on a particular organisations policies and practices in this area.

A particular moderator here who is also a committee member of an esteemed organisation is on record in the popular media, preserved in glorious tabloid format, with his views on PED in sport. That fact can not be "unsaid" now.

Now you may consider my views ignorant, however I doubt the wider community has much sympathy for the minority group of PED abusers and whatever happens to them next as the tide turns. Please come and lecture at one of the community groups I'm involved with and provide a contrary view that they might find socially acceptable.

The personal attack on me for opening a discussion on the topic, where I praise the efficacy of your organisation and suggest a way of future proofing the sport, does not seem appropriate. From my observations over the years, running a motor too hot results in a fucked head.
I would lol hard if vonfram got busted for PED use
Not accusing anyone of anything but it would be lolworthy

I would be concerned for you if you get busted for recreational drugs. At least your cell mate by the name of "Bubba" could help you with your back arch.
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There was no personal attack mate.

I do not know what you are aiming to achieve in this thread.

You have basically said the GPC should basically introduce testing, which isn't going to happen.
It's not because GPC/CAPO is pro-steroids, it simply just costs to much money.

I've asked you questions, to which you've still not answered.
The argument that the public will revolt against untested powerlifting is pretty thin one anyway.

Local footy is untested due to cost and a lot of footy clubs yearly budget is probably bigger than the budget of all the powerlifting Feds in Aus combined. It doesn't stop anyone from coming to games or supporting clubs.
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Possession of cannabis isn't a crime so no prison for me! Just a few hundred dollar fine
The argument that the public will revolt against untested powerlifting is pretty thin one anyway.

Local footy is untested due to cost and a lot of footy clubs yearly budget is probably bigger than the combined budget of all the powerlifting Feds in Aus combined. It doesn't stop anyone from coming to games or supporting clubs.

The argument that the public will revolt against untested powerlifting is pretty thin one anyway.

Local footy is untested due to cost and a lot of footy clubs yearly budget is probably bigger than the budget of all the powerlifting Feds in Aus combined. It doesn't stop anyone from coming to games or supporting clubs.

Do you think thatd be different if there was a tested league alongside?
Do you think thatd be different if there was a tested league alongside?

Impossible to know but i get your point.

I think it would follow the path that is currently happening in powerlifting.

Most players want to play were there is the best competition, with the best equipment/facilities and the best run clubs/leagues. And where the players go the spectators follow this generates more money for clubs to pay the better players more money and the cycle continues.
Does the public actually want to see tested? ... We say the 'public' is making a huge outcry about drug use a-la lance armstrong, but in fact, the media is the one making it a circus, joe public may not have an issue with it at all, and may simply enjoy the spectacle (who cares if the gladiators die?)

Somebody watching a sports match tends to watch for the spectacle, they probably dont really care or even think about the years of work behind it, they probably don't care if the players are hopped up on horse tranquillisers, as long as they get to see what they came to. Drug Free is really for the players/lifters, not the 'public'

When it comes down to it, Caffeine is a performance enhancing drug and therefore should be banned in sports if we want to get down to brass tacks....