NPR What did you today?
Had an extra rest day and grew!
Hee hee
You are a mad scientist too right?
Have you ever systematically tested clients like lab rats to see just how many days off is optimal for max growth?
I don't mean doing what your latest research says. I mean just as a test. Your own world in your own environment.
I am really convinced that Mentzer was on to something here.
More and more days off as we get closer and closer to out genetic biggest.
In saying that he had become so damned unfit towards the end that obviously his intellect and obsession began to over ride reality. ie some of his clients were training only once every 10 to 14 days.
To me that is silly buggers. How do you maintain even normal wellness and fitness if you train that infrequently?
At present I always have 2 days off and do a 4 day split. Each part once per 12 days. Still gaining.
Will add a 3rd day rest when I level off. Beyond that I can't live with.
Then again Bulls lay around a lot. LOL
Plus I tend to have absolutely electric and megga intense energy levels for each workout.
Any thoughts?