So I'm just going to use this thread to keep a record of all my eating stuff

Long time no post.
5 cheeseburgers in 1m40s (was a tad tipsy at this stage LOL)
Mad Mex 1kg burrito in 2m9s
Timelapse of my 200 chinup & 100 nugget challenge (1h6m)
Thursday I entered my second official eating competition. It was at Burger Urge eating trump burgers. 9 competitors and the winner won flights to New York. I was quietly confident until Colin the Conqueror entered as he is one of Australia's best competitive eaters. There was also a girl who was 2 time pancake manor champion. I was next to Colin and we were a bit intimidated by the burgers as they had said that they were going to be mini versions but there was nothing mini about them. A bit bigger than a big mac I'd say.
Colin was next to me and when the timer started we were both off and racing. Colin is known for his speed more than volume (but pretty good at both) and I would say I'm about 50/50. The MC was going up and down the table and counting the number of flags as we pulled them out of the burgers as we went. To my surprise at the first call I was 1 burger in front of Colin. I wondered if he was taking it easy on me or something? We were both well out in front of everyone else by the 5 burger mark and it was clear that the winner would be one of us. Around the 12 min mark it started to get tough. The speed slowed and it was struggle street with every bite becoming harder and harder. At burger number 9 Colin had caught up to me and we were dead even. I got through number 10 but it was slow and I knew at that point that it was all over. On burger no.10 I got the BIGGEST mouth full of pulled beef only and it was the closest I've ever been to spewing haha. I didn't want to be that guy on TV (ch 10 news) who power spewed all over the place! Kept it down luckily.
This was absolute capacity reached! I had to catch 2 buses to get home and I was feeling like death. I was feeling like what I imagine a heavily pregnant lady would feel like. Here are a few pics.
Then yesterday I had planned to put my well stretched stomach to good use and hit up Sushi Kuni in redcliffe who had a 21 plate in 30 minute challenge going. The owner said that only 2 people have completed it and the quickest was 28mins. Had a few gym mates come along for this one and 2 guys had a crack also getting through low teens.
It was a random assortment of 63 plates between us to choose from so all sorts of stuff. Some were smaller, some larger, some gyoza, spring rolls, inari etc. I got through 10 plates in the time the other guys got through 3. Hit the gates with pace! Got to plate 15 and things started to slow and this was around the 10min mark I believe. Slowed the pace but ended up finishing in 14m39s so I am the new record holder for that challenge
Few pics
For the past 4 days I've had one MASSIVE meal per day, done a bit of water stomach stretching twice daily and that is about it. I've maintained weight around low to mid 85's and no noticeable fat gain. Energy balance matters first and foremost but there is definitely an amount that the body can actually digest when you smash it with insane volumes at once. And no I do NOT recommend this method for dieting haha. You go from starving and ready to eat anything to barely even being able to see/smell food in an instant!
I also got asked to be featured on for pushing Colin so far and could get some invites to some bigger comps in the future